Dawn raids against high-ranking French politicians over handling of Covid-19 – IOTW Report

Dawn raids against high-ranking French politicians over handling of Covid-19

Free West Media:


On the morning of October 15, house searches were carried out on a number of high-ranking politicians and government officials, as part of the investigation into their handling of the pandemic.

At the same time, France has once again declared a state of emergency, due to Covid-19, and the inhabitants of several large cities are facing nightly curfews.

On July 3, the Court of Justice of the Republic opened a judicial investigation into the management of the Covid-19 crisis, on the charge of “abstaining from fighting a disaster”. In this context, searches were carried out on Thursday morning at the homes and respective offices of the Minister of Health Olivier Véran and the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon, according to information from BFMTV.

Also, the homes of former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn and the former government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye were searched.


12 Comments on Dawn raids against high-ranking French politicians over handling of Covid-19

  1. These people were raided on the charge of “abstaining from fighting a disaster”.
    What about the musloid invasion disaster? A teacher was just BEHEADED in the street because he showed students a picture!!!

  2. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you are in, what nation or country you are in, this Covid population control tyranny is not going to end until all of those ordering it are either dead or in fear of becoming that way from something other than that stupid virus.

    And that situation is unlikely, so learn to submit and comply and live with it.

  3. Turdo gave away 16 Million masks TO Chyna. But he is a Globalist so even if he was in France they would not charge him.

    This is political. Almost Every politician and minister is Negligent in some way. It comes with the Title, prestige, & Government expense account.

    Would they dare charge Tedros when he visits Paris for UN/WHO paid investigation/conference into the Champagne and Caviar industry of France.

  4. What a bunch of crap. Over masks?

    Jethro echoes my first thoughts as well. moslims are at or over the fatal 10% of the population. They are murdering people in the streets. They block large swathes of cities 2, 3, 4 times/day with their bullshit praying in the streets, which is nothing more then an in your face, FU. They’re attacking Jews and Christians in every part of the country

    They set Notre Dame on fire FFS! And some bureaucrats are taking shit for masks!!!

    With the masses of n Africans allowed to emigrate, Paris looks like LA and that ain’t a good thing.

    I’ve been betting for almost 20 years now that France would be the first Euro nation to flip and when I see misdirection like this, it’s going to happen sooner then later.

    There was a time when French warriors were the most feared men on earth. Hard to imagine now, isn’t it?

    Good luck boys.

  5. In general, I’d rather have govt functionaries do nothing than do something.

    Even though sometimes they provide some kind of benefit, that’s usually by mistake from their perspective, and they seem to do only one job well and that’s to learn from those mistakes.

  6. @gin blossom October 18, 2020 at 10:23 am

    “…Forget about the head choppers, there’s mask violators out there!…”

    The muzzies, enforcement arm of the mask mandate politicians not withstanding, are offering a solution. No need to wear a mask if ya aint got a head. Next?

  7. “Raided their homes? Why?”

    Same reason that 25 swatted up FBI agents came to arrest Roger Stone(after alerting CNN) when all they had to do was call him and tell him to present himself


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