Scotland Approves Second Trump Golf Course – IOTW Report

Scotland Approves Second Trump Golf Course


LONDON (AP) — Authorities in Scotland have approved plans by President Donald Trump’s family business to build a second golf course in Aberdeenshire, despite campaigning from environmental activists.

The Aberdeen council published documents Friday showing it gave full planning permission for the development, subject to some conditions such as measures to minimize the flooding risk at the site, located on Scotland’s north-east coast.

The 18-hole golf course, to be named MacLeod after Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, would be built next to the original Trump International golf resort on his Menie Estate, north of Aberdeen, which opened in 2012.

Local district officials had already approved the plan for the second course in September. Friday’s decision came from the larger Aberdeen council and is expected to be final. more here

4 Comments on Scotland Approves Second Trump Golf Course

  1. Why didnt the fbi go to Congress, the Senate Intel Committee, The gang of 8, The House Intel Committee, Sciff, Pelosi, and leak to the media about the WHISTLEBLOWER that came forth with these explosive allegations about candidate Joe the Dope like they did with Pres trump on the Russia Hoax? Why bdidnt they warn the American people about some phony hacked email scandal that could possibly affect the outcome of the election? Why didnt they get FISA warrants on the Crackhead and all of his business associates? Why cant they say definitively today that the emails are false and their investigation proved it to be Russian interference? Because… they cant… its all true and they tried to shitcan it. Its all true folks…. no… no joke… thats the real deal. We need to protect this WHISTLEBLOWER and forbid his name from being uttered and his photo shown or arrests will be made !!!


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