Beat the Clock – IOTW Report

Beat the Clock

Patriot Retort: Remember the old game show Beat the Clock? Sure you do! Teams of contestants had to accomplish some kind of crazy task before the clock ran out.

Well, when it comes to the Pay-to-Play scandal swirling around old Joe, Team Biden is playing their own version of Beat the Clock.

Their goal is to get to election day before the tick-tock of this growing scandal scuttles Joe’s chances on November 3rd.

Unfortunately for Team Biden, the tick-tock of the story clock just keeps getting louder.

Yesterday, Fox News was able to verify that the emails found on Hunter’s computer regarding the dealings with China are in fact authentic. Meanwhile, the New York Post continues to release new information every day. read more

9 Comments on Beat the Clock

  1. Sadly, the laptop could have pictures of Joe eating a baby and it wouldn’t change anyone’s mind. The democrat electorate is unable to change their vote due to their inability to see beyond their hatred.

  2. Hatred and watching the blue screen
    flicker 24/7 Trump bad failure demoratz good.
    CNN,MSLSD,NBC,ETC…. have done a very good
    job at brain washing many people in this country
    and the world.I have 2 elderly Christian neighbors
    who watch the boob toob and they are convinced that
    white supremist terrorist caused 100% of all rioting,
    looting and burning.Trump supports the white supremist.
    The mind numbing lies are locked into their brains !!!!
    No way to get them out.

  3. Tiger Eyes, I heard Alex Jones saying be careful if you have those pics on your hard drive. It’d be the height of irony if people other than Hunter Biden get arrested for having his pics. But it would be completely predictable with Wray’s FBI. Just be careful. There are desperate, powerful, evil people involved.

  4. The Password IS? A red hat…that makes non racist, common sense…and tells a simple message……(hold breath)

    MAGA 2020?

    Ding, ding, DING.

    Beat the Clock, The GONG Show and Name that Tune where the BEST! I can name that tune in TWO notes!

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