Texas: Wesley Hunt is a rising GOP star – IOTW Report

Texas: Wesley Hunt is a rising GOP star

WFB: When Wesley Hunt spoke to two dozen curious voters in the backyard of a suburban Houston home on a cool night in September, he had just come from his doctor’s office after donating plasma for the possible treatment of others who had been infected with COVID-19. 

He told his doctor, “I’ll be here every week in this chair, if you need me to be here every week in this chair.” 

In that doctor’s chair and later in that supporter’s backyard, the black Republican running in a swing district found himself at the center of the American political moment in so many different ways. From race relations to the pandemic to the political fight for suburban Texas, Hunt says his personal experience with each topic brings a level of understanding that leaves him uniquely qualified. And at the center of everything is a place the West Point grad and former Apache helicopter pilot seems comfortable. 

“My life has prepared me for this very point,” Hunt told the Washington Free Beacon. “All these issues that we’re talking about it is very complicated. It’s not that simple. It literally is not black and white as people want to make it.”  read more

4 Comments on Texas: Wesley Hunt is a rising GOP star

  1. I like this guy. Looks like the Army has been turning out some great leaders. Mr. Hunt along with John James would both be great additions to Washington.
    My respect to you for running and thank you for your service.

  2. Not, black and white?, “Come on, man”.
    Seriously, what’s so “complicated”. President Trump doesn’t see any complications. The left are insane and need to be powerless – period. Adhering to conservative values will make America Great Again – no middle ground.
    Not impress with this guy’s, let’s all get along mentality.


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