Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails – IOTW Report

Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

Breitbart: The business partner of Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family from prison provided access to 26,000 emails, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said in a Saturday morning radio appearance.

Schweizer, appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails to him—the first of which were published late last week in a Breitbart News exclusive investigation by Schweizer and author Seamus Bruner. Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison due to his conviction over financial deals he made connected to Hunter Biden and his other partner Devon Archer. Archer, who was also convicted by a jury in federal court, saw his conviction vacated by a federal judge. That conviction was later—just a couple weeks ago—reinstated by an appellate court, which overruled the lower court judge’s decision to vacate it. Archer awaits sentencing.

In the meantime, however, Cooney—who is serving his sentence in federal prison—reached out to Schweizer via conservative journalist Matthew Tyrmand and provided written authorization to access his Gmail account. He provided the password and username, and written authorization to publish emails because Schweizer says he believes he was the “fall guy” for the Biden family’s corruption and that he believes the public needs to know what really happened in Hunter Biden’s universe. The first article on these emails was published Friday afternoon, and detailed how Hunter Biden and his partners secured meetings with senior White House officials in November 2011 for Chinese Communist elites—including, as the Chinese elites who were present revealed, a secret meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden himself. The Biden campaign has not responded to requests for comment about this from Breitbart News. more here

12 Comments on Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

  1. geoff the aardvark
    OCTOBER 20, 2020 AT 3:50 AM
    “Let’s hope that joeys goose is cooked and I am praying like no tomorrow that joey will not become Presidunce because then our, the American people goose will be cooked.”

    …either way, we’re too far apart, we’re GOING to have a Civil War after the election regardless of the outcome, and either WE survive, or THEY do.

    And they’re going to have help from Chinese troops on Canada and from Chinese bases on Mare Island and Muslim cells embedded throughout the Country and its military and police, so it won’t be a walkover, and they will NOT honor Geneva Convention rules or ANY laws of warfare, so it’s going to be as brutal and bloody as they can make it, with no quarter given and no surrender possible for either side.

    We’ve already seen their false surrenders, and what they do NOW to our helpless.

    No Quarter will be given.

    Expect to be shooting each other before Christmas.

    And don’t expect any hard battle lines, or anyone to tell you when it starts.

    Because they ALREADY started.

    So the only thing left to decide is when we ALL shoot back.

    One Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t enough.

    We need a NATION of them…

  2. Answerman Cooper
    OCTOBER 20, 2020 AT 7:29 AM
    “It doesn’t take that long to upload 26,000 emails and for God’s sake make 5 copies before the FBI gets them.”

    …or Google (Gmail account) deletes them…

    …or adds things TO them…

  3. Final Debate will have a MUTE BUTTON to try and Stop Trump.

    It will not work.

    He will drag Hunter, the payoffs, the spying into the fray!

    Got the Snacks & Beer ready for Thursday Already!

  4. Ronterf
    OCTOBER 20, 2020 AT 9:16 AM
    “If Joe makes it to the Whitehouse it will all disappear and be forgotten.”

    ..I, for one, do not plan to go gentle into that good night, and I suspect there are millions like me, and more…

  5. If Jackass Joe somehow makes it into the White House it will decision time for Americans to either fight for Freedom or roll over and accept The New Communism of the 21st Century for generations to come!


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