N.Y. congressional Democrat candidate running on combat record was a failed leader, relieved of duty – IOTW Report

N.Y. congressional Democrat candidate running on combat record was a failed leader, relieved of duty

JustTheNews: The military records of Jackie Gordon, a Democrat running for Congress in New York, show that she was the subject of two investigations during her time in the U.S. Army.

Both investigations yielded a recommendation that she be relieved of her command, the second of which was acted upon while Gordon was serving in Afghanistan. 

According to a new report from the Daily Caller, Gordon, who served as a lieutenant colonel, left her battalion in 2012 without permission to campaign for local office. The report accuses her of posing a “significant threat to the Battalion’s ability to perform an incredibly stressful and sensitive wartime mission.” more here

17 Comments on N.Y. congressional Democrat candidate running on combat record was a failed leader, relieved of duty

  1. She could also get advice from phony Vietnam hero naval ensign John Kerry.

    All are democrat losers and failures as commanders. The best defenders of our country are patriotic, conservative, God believing people.

  2. At the risk of sounding racist you have to wonder whether affirmative action considerations played a part in overlooking these fairly basic character flaws on her journey to Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander. They’re are pretty reliably caught well before that plateau. I hope her opponent isn’t playing Mr. Nice Guy and is instead hammering her loudly and very much in public on this. Hell, it’s actually worse then Blumenthal.

  3. @scr_north: I think you’re correct. Remember the date – 2012. The middle of 0bama’s dictatorship. Black? Check. Female? Check. I wonder if she’s gay – that’d give her the third check.

    But mainly her stint in the Army showed that she’s not fit to lead anyone, anywhere.

  4. Little thing bug the heck out of me. Like where did she get her hands on the wheel gun in the video? Standard issue back then was the Beretta. I assume that still was from one of her campaign adds and the revolver was from one of her bruthas in da hood.

  5. If she was black, female, and a commissioned officer I shudder to think what it took for her superior commissioned officers to pursue and execute a relief of command. That’s a big deal in the simplest of circumstances and with this being a black female,… Holy Shit.

    Bet yer’ ass there was some egregious shit that never made the official record.

  6. democrats want leaders like this, they are corrupt from the beginning, they despise America, they support the rioters, they have no honor, they support blm,not that all lives matter, they defund police, they will lie about anything to gain for themselves, love of country is beyond their comprehension, but cheat by mail, pack the courts, support illegals voting, no problem for them. Destroy anyone who does not agree with them. You have no right to free speech if they do not approve, This is why we support Trump.

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