No Republican In 2024 Should Cooperate With The Commission On Presidential Debates – IOTW Report

No Republican In 2024 Should Cooperate With The Commission On Presidential Debates

This election couldn’t have been handled more poorly by the supposedly non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates.

After a disaster of a first debate moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who lost control of the candidates on stage going after each other in prime time, the debate commission took a series of steps that would only benefit Joe Biden while hiding behind the guise of public safety to justify its decisions.

President Donald Trump’s positive diagnosis with the novel Wuhan Coronavirus was revealed just more than a full day after the first debate’s conclusion, spiking fears that an infected president on stage two weeks later could turn the town hall into a super spreader event.

Despite the fact that the president was on track for a full recovery, the commission announced the next week without consulting the Trump campaign that the traditional town hall style match-up would instead be a virtual two-hour zoom call between the two candidates, and would still be moderated by C-SPAN’s Steve Scully.

Trump immediately rejected the idea which would only strip the president of the ability to flex his physical presence on stage to engage in a dynamic conversation. Remember in 2016, Trump was accused of intimidating Hillary Clinton on the town hall carpet, which the former secretary of state admitted made her uncomfortable. Trump appeared to deploy the same strategy last month taking command of the in-person debate stage, clearly agitating the frail 77-year-old former vice president. Whether it’s effective or productive is debatable. Whether it’s still a key stripped from the president’s tool box by moving the forum to a cable television-style show by the debate commission, there’s no doubt. read more

16 Comments on No Republican In 2024 Should Cooperate With The Commission On Presidential Debates

  1. Who is not SICK of a ‘commission’? FOR anything? The commission sounds like you are going up against the local buidling department.

    Get rid of it and put a con and a lib moderator, ONE of each. Left asks the right and the right asks the left…OPPOSING each others candidates.

    Each of the moderators takes questions from their audiences (fan base) to ask the candidate.


    Stand in a soundproof both, ask each other questions, mic turns off after 3 minutes, the other person asks a question.

    Like everything else, democrats weaponize and stack the committee or courts, or ballot counters with their people.

  3. Rollerball.. The debate commission are like the corporate leaders in the 70s film. Keep changing the rules until you get what you want.

    “No penalties. No time limit.”

    Trump is Johnathan.

    Biden is the smoldering heap burning on the game track.

    The corporate leaders are rejected.

  4. Me. I’m not convinced the two minutes where a lost and rambling Biden has to answer the question without interruption is really a bad thing for President Trump.
    Also, while climate change is undoubtedly a liberal subject, Trump can turn that into a positive with much more sane policies IF HE CAN EXPLAIN THEM CLEARLY. To some degree Trump is his own worst enemy in that he doesn’t explain his policies very well.

  5. A little late to the party (pun intended). You can look back to the 1960 election, and probably even further. Those responsible for a “fair and balanced” debate haven’t been.

  6. I’m suspicious that all the changes in this one like the muted mike, etc., are to provoke the President into refusing the debate. Then Biden’s campaign could claim they were ready and willing but the President chickened out.

  7. Why do we need moderators in a debate anyway? If they are going to use moderators then each candidate gets to pick one to interrogate the other candidate. So Rachel Maddow would interrogate PRESIDENT Trump and Mark Levin would interrogate the perverted old geezer on the other side.

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