How To Show Americans Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus – IOTW Report

How To Show Americans Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus

Federalist: You see it every night on the news: a ticker with the cumulative death toll from the coronavirus. Yet you don’t see the other side of the equation: the number of deaths resulting from the lockdowns imposed ostensibly to fight the coronavirus.

More and more medical professionals are recognizing the severe damage the lockdowns have caused to present and future public health. A worldwide collection of medical and public health experts has just issued a declaration stating that current “lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health” and that to keep “these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”

This Great Barrington Declaration argues that public health policy should instead focus on protecting vulnerable parts of the population, such as the elderly and infirm while allowing the rest of the public to return to normal life to build up herd immunity. Within a few days, almost 32,000 medical and public health professionals had signed the declaration.

Its authors’ argument is reinforced by increasing evidence that the lockdowns have not had any effect on reducing deaths from the coronavirus, and may in fact increase the number of coronavirus deaths by delaying the point at which enough people have built up an immune response to slow its spread. Even the World Health Organization is now admitting lockdowns are rarely an effective response to the pandemic. more

16 Comments on How To Show Americans Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus

  1. It’s not about the Chinese flu so quit arguing from that POV. Doing so immediately cedes the high ground to these dictators who then argue it’s for our safety.

    They’re backtracked and allowed so many exceptions to their edicts that it makes me sad seeing any people wearing masks at all.

    The city council of my favorite little town in s MO just ordered masks mandatory in every open facility. 75% of people that had Chinese flu say they were wearing masks all the time and another 15% said most of the time. WTF, it’s almost as though wearing a mask attracts the damn shit.

  2. The mask mandates have absolutely nothing to do with public health. The reason I know this to be a stone cold natural fact is that the powers that be have made it clear that opinion that does not support the preferred narrative will not be allowed to be considered.

  3. Why not a regularly displayed counter in the corner of the TV during Covid News.

    Flue – _______
    Suicides – _______
    Murders (all types) – _______
    Car Accidents – ________


    COVID – __________
    Flue – __________
    Suicide – ________
    Murder (all types) _ _________
    Car Accidents – __________

    Apples to apples on ALL news related to Covid-1984. PERIOD.

  4. …I went to my doctor yesterday, and I’m not entirely sure what he said from behind an N95 mask covered with a full face shield, but I think it was something about how he was afraid of patients because he stayed across the room the whole time, as did his staff who were similiarly tricked out with EVERY patient.

    I am thoroghly disgusted.

    They drove all the good docs who weren’t afraid of patients having yukky diseases with Obamacare, then scared the white coats off the kids they left behind with this FakeFlu crap.

    And yes, they killed a LOT of nursing home patients with this, probably on PURPOSE, but how many people are dying because medical offices and hospitals have been turned into bastions of fear and mistrust, places to be avoided as you’ll be treated like a leper the whole time you’re there, always subject to a test where a simple high reading on a doorwarden’s thermometer may cost you and your entire household your freedom and your pay for two weeks without reprieve or appeal?

    How many people CAN’T go the the doctor now because the offices are so paranoid about COVID that they’ve forgotten everything ELSE?

    And how much of this is an INDENDED effect of the Democrats to cull the herd of the weak and the elderly among all groups but themselves, with the entire medical profession weaponized into a tool to cow the population and “justify” tyrannical, unlimited power with no basis other than fear of a seasonal flu?

    I’m disgusted and ashamed of what this once-proud country has allowed to take place, for their safety, of which they TRULY have NONE. This has done NOTHING but abrogate our Constitutional protections by making us afraid to even touch a copy of it because it “might have COVID on it”.

    Cowards, cowards all.

    …and what happens when a REAL disease comes along? You know, one that ISN’T magified into a Godzilla by the media arm of the Communist party, but ACTUALLY kills people?

    How many will die THEN?

    …and all because of cowards in white coats who give gravitas to liars in the halls of Congress and the offices of Governors everywhere who see us as serfs and can control us as such at the flip of a pen as long as they write COVID first…

    …we don’t have to worry about a Biden or Harris administration.

    …we’ve ALREADY surrendered to fear.

    And I see no end to its rule any time soon…

  5. The lockdowns are all leadership theater. For those in power, the only thing worse than tearing down society trying to stop an unstoppable thing is doing nothing and getting blamed for the unstoppable thing you couldn’t have stopped no matter what you did.

  6. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ October 21, 2020 at 3:25 pm
    “this guy…”

    Who is this guy? We need this guy.

    Searched, but all I found were scripts about Bobby Watson, the saxophone player. I knew THIS guy in the business, but he never talked like that.

    Who is this guy?

    We need this guy and his reason brought forth to the public at large.

    This was one of the most coherent and eye-opening truisms ever I’ve encountered posted on the IOTWReport (other than SNS) being a somewhat pondering contributor…Who IS this guy?

  7. Excess deaths are a metric thrown around to frighten, and it is frightening. Officially, about a third of excess deaths in the US were caused by the lockdown. Unofficially, who knows?. It is worse in socialized medicine countries.

  8. Last week out of 342 Million in the USA.

    We had 17,073 out of 342,000,000 that tested positive for Covid-19 and 277 died. Note: The CDC “re-updated” the figure this morning to 468.

    Still to die from the C-19 last week you would have to be 1 of the 468 (2.747027470274703%) of the infected 17,073 (0.0049921 of 1%) infected out of 342,000,000.

    99.99999999529534% Americas population DID NOT DIE of the Covid-19 last week.

    99.99500789473684% Americas population WAS NOT INFECTED by the Covid-19 last week.

    In the last 10+ months only 2.4119915204678364% of the population has been infected

    That means over the last 280+ days 2.4119915204678364% have been
    infected. Or looked at differently, 97.58800847953216% of the population has never been infected as of today.

    Of the 220,362 that the CDC and states have died (0.06443333333333333 of 1%) of the C-19.

    Of the 220,362 that died the CDC itself estimated 94.3+% had pre-existing medical, and/or advance age issues. An just 5.7% were the C-19 was the ONLY CAUSE of Death.

    So 5.7% of the 220,362, would mean only 12,560.6 died of only the C-19.

    So if you have NO pre-existing medical, and/or advance age issues.
    Your odds really are more like 0.0036727 in 342,000,000 of dying from the C-19.

    You are more likely to hit the Mega-Millions and the Power-ball lottery back to back, than die from the C-19.


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