“Complete Fabrication” – Giuliani Responds to Borat Hit Piece, Then Drops Bomb on Biden – “We Are Preparing Much Bigger Dumps Off the Laptop From Hell” – IOTW Report

“Complete Fabrication” – Giuliani Responds to Borat Hit Piece, Then Drops Bomb on Biden – “We Are Preparing Much Bigger Dumps Off the Laptop From Hell”

Gateway Pundit: Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday responded to the Borat hit piece.

A new Borat film (made by Sacha Baron Cohen) shows Rudy Giuliani in what appears to be a compromising scene with an actress playing Borat’s daughter.

Giuliani is seen laying on a bed in a hotel suite, tucking his shirt into his pants as the actress, posing as a TV journalist is standing near the bed.

Rudy Giuliani had just wrapped up a spoof interview with the fake conservative journalist when she suggested they have a drink and a chat in the hotel suite.

Unbeknownst to Rudy, the hotel suite was rigged with hidden cameras.

Borat then runs into the hotel suite and screams, “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”

The female actress in the Borat film is actually 24 years old.

Giuliani was tucking his shirt into his pants after taking off the recording equipment, but the Democrat-media complex ran with a story that the former NY Mayor was touching his genitals and caught with his pants down so to speak with a young girl.

Unbeknownst to Rudy, the hotel suite was rigged with hidden cameras. more

h/t Jerry Manderin.

16 Comments on “Complete Fabrication” – Giuliani Responds to Borat Hit Piece, Then Drops Bomb on Biden – “We Are Preparing Much Bigger Dumps Off the Laptop From Hell”

  1. But WHY would you allow yourself to get in this situation in the first place?? Seriously, dude, which head were you thinking with? Plus, I hate that fucking Borat critter. He’s a legend in his own mind and about as talented as a box of rocks. Big nose, big hose? Kinda doubt it.

  2. The left are pathetic. I live my life with love and laughter in my heart and a smile on my face.

    The left – well, they live with rage in their heart and a chip on their shoulder.

    I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ll take my life over any lefty’s life ANYtime.

  3. I think the FBI and the Delaware PDs have the child assault images and emails. And Rudy is still holding on to the biden family stuff.
    The child assault stuff can’t disappear because PC repair shop dude sent entire copies out to people he didn’t name. In other words, the local law and the fbi has no choice. Everyone knows. Everyone.
    Because if they drag their feet, there will be child advocates getting loud.

  4. When people rely on very creative editing to create their narrative they should be able to be sued regardless of a signed release when the intent & product are not an accurate portrayal of the real facts.

  5. …Billy Graham was never caught in a scandal because he would not even share an elevator with a woman he was not related to if there were no other people present.

    It worked, no one ever successfully stained HIS legacy, and it certainly wasn’t for a lack of trying.

    …perhaps ALL public, and even private, men should do the same.

    Then crap like THIS that Democrats try to pull would never even be POSSIBLE…

  6. I’m reluctant to speculum-ate, but Joe, you’re going to have this laptop story shoved up your ass all the way to your lap (transverse colon).


    (Joe’s checking his pants for contents.)


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