CNN Says Mitt Romney Reveals He Has Already Voted in 2020 Election and It Wasn’t for Trump – IOTW Report

CNN Says Mitt Romney Reveals He Has Already Voted in 2020 Election and It Wasn’t for Trump

Western Journal: CNN’s Manu Raju posted on Twitter that he had a brief conversation with Romney on Wednesday in which the former Massachusetts governor disclosed he voted early. more

50 Comments on CNN Says Mitt Romney Reveals He Has Already Voted in 2020 Election and It Wasn’t for Trump

  1. That’s cool, Mitt. President Trump only got one chance to vote for you, and he—like many, many of us—probably held his nose and voted for your smarmy ass. Now, you’ve had THREE chances to return the favor, and not only have you failed to man up a third time, you’re bragging about it again. I think I hear a cock crowing.

  2. Was Ben Sasse not available for comment? Like shooting fish in barrel for the propagandists at the house ‘organ’ for leftists everywhere. Oh and Romney’s father was a snake too. 64 and 68

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater – Anthony tried last night for me but he could not quite get it.

    My ‘general’ is on his way to White Plains right now in 1776 to provide rear cover for GW…with about 750 regular Continental soldiers, about four units at the time.

    Glovers regiments were the last to fire the cannons at the Battle of White Plains up on Miller Hill, before they bugged out to Peekskill.

    SEND.IT.TO.ME.NOW. :>)

  4. @CharliewalksonWater – BTW, @Chuckie needs help too! His should be REAL easy straight on portrait…he indicated he wanted a MAGA hat so ‘make it’ so, like your POPCORN! :>o

    Can you put a RED MAGA hat on Glover???

  5. @CharliewalksonWater – don’t get @MHatch on the wrong side by calling her ‘the wife’…gulp…

    Thanks though! Let me check…

    I DEFINITELY need to get this e-mail delivery system worked out! :>O

  6. What a back-stabbing piece of shit ole Mittens is, but then one has to wonder how many millions of people he fucked over when he was at Bain Capital. If he was on fire, I would’t put him out with an axe.

  7. Mittens didn’t bristle at the bad press over tying his dog to the roof of his car because he was more concerned about anyone finding out that he got down on all fours for Biden, his fellow career corruptocrat.

    Picture McCain, Biden, Romney and Kerry in the bathtub together with naked Hunter pouring in bubble bath soap and taking selfies.

  8. @Charlie WalksonWater – THANKS!!!!!! A MAGA Baseball cap!!

    We have one in red one in white, the red was bought at Trump Tower in 2016 and the white we bought in 2018 from a black dude in DC.

    BTW all, there is detail there, it does say MAGA and Chuck held to the specifications…it’s just the scale is so small…

    I laughed OUT loud, to use a term.


  9. Trump – “Is it right for America?” is the basis of his actions.
    Romney – “Is it right for Mittens?”
    Once great hunting & fishing, Utah’s pretty much a disappointment these days.

  10. I had a moment of clarity. Mitt thinks Biden will win. Mitt then lobbies for Sec of State. Biden gets the 25th amendment when the powers that be think the time is right then Mitt becomes V.P.

    That is the only thing that makes sense. he has no future as a senator. he has no future in the G.O.P. what he is deluded about is he has no future period.


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