Bevan Cooney Moved from Prison Cell after Providing Email Account Exposing Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Bevan Cooney Moved from Prison Cell after Providing Email Account Exposing Hunter Biden


Bevan Cooney, the former business associate of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family, has been moved from his cell, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to Breitbart News.

On Tuesday, several days after emails Cooney provided to Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer and journalist Matthew Tyrmand became public, federal agents moved him from his cell to protect him. Tyrmand, who is in contact with members of Cooney’s family, told Breitbart News that Cooney was moved from his cell in a federal prison in Oregon around 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday. Tyrmand said that Cooney spoke with family members multiple times on Tuesday, which he said is “much more than usual.”

“Bevan could sense that things had changed with the rise in visibility of his story,” Tyrmand said. read more

19 Comments on Bevan Cooney Moved from Prison Cell after Providing Email Account Exposing Hunter Biden

  1. I’m filled with dread for Bevan Cooney. Given the known state of the U.S. prison system in light of Epstein, we all know this could be the end of him and, apparently, no one even knows where the guy’s been taken. At least everyone knew where Epstein was being held. I don’t know how they can keep his whereabouts a secret from his family.

    Hunter Biden and Devon Archer should be in there with him.

  2. Nothing will come of this unless Barr and Wray are replaced by someone that is an outsider to the political system as it stands today.

    And that is entirely dependent on Trump’s reelection, if he doesn’t get reelected nothing will come of anything involving insider governemtn corruption at the highest levels.

  3. Whats troubling {but not new} is that democrats never seemed phased by corruption. They’ll vigorously accuse republicans of crimes but when it comes to their own you’ll hit a wall.
    I hope Trump drums home the economy at tonight’s debate and leave the Biden corruption to hang in the air.
    It’s the economy !!!!!!!!!

  4. The Casey Jones lyrics (the Grateful Dead) popped into my head as appropriate for poor lil’ Hunter as the dirt churns to the surface:

    Drivin’ that train
    High on cocaine
    Casey Jones you’d better
    Watch your speed
    Trouble ahead
    Trouble behind
    And you know that notion
    Just crossed my mind

  5. ” They’ll vigorously accuse republicans of crimes but when it comes to their own you’ll hit a wall.”

    They operate on the firm belief that the end justifies the means and their intended end is so righteous that there is no limit to their pursuit of it.

    They actually believe that, and think that way. Don’t try to use any other view of right and wrong in an attempt to understand what they do.

  6. “… federal agents moved him from his cell to protect him.”

    What a fukkin joke.
    Corruption oozes down from Wray to the meanest janitor in the FBOP.
    Mr. Cooney’s being held incommunicado until disposal.

    Don’t be surprised when he has an “unfortunate” spoon accident.
    Biden’s part of the same crime syndicate as Obola, Clinton, Emanuel, Rice, Clapper, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Lerner, Koskinen, Wray, and a host of others who loot, plunder, and kill with impunity.

    Mr. Cooney’s a “bump in the road.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Can Trump pardon, commute or vacate his sentence so that Cooney must be accounted for and set free? (Just tossing it out there…I don’t know anything about what Trump can do or what it takes. I watch too much TV I guess.)

  8. “Breaking news: It has just been learned that Bevan Cooney, found dead by suicide in his prison cell today, has been named as the primary suspect in the mysterious death of Jeffery Epstein.”

  9. Should be a pretty entertaining evening.

    All day the mainstream media will count cases & talk Covid in an attempt to exhaust the viewer and get people to to tune out before the debate.

    2 pathetic teams will help ensure that the NFL ratings get absolutely CRUSHED by Donald Trump.

    Trump will find EVERY excuse to get Crack Hunter into his rebuttals.

    And that should make for some very entertaining adult crying on XiNN, XiNBS, MSNBXI, ABXI and XiBXi up here in Canuckistan.

    The fridge is stocked, the food is prepped, I am ready to be entertained!


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