The left is alive and burning in Chile, too – IOTW Report

The left is alive and burning in Chile, too

American Thinker: What do Santiago, Chile and Portland, Oregon have in common?  They didn’t have anything in common for a long time, until the radical left and the anarchists started burning everything that they could away with.

11 Comments on The left is alive and burning in Chile, too

  1. China and Chile are becoming closer than ever. The SDIC International Trade Company, one of the largest conglomerates in China, is investing heavily in infrastructure and food in the South American country. Evidently they’re interested in cheap real estate too…

  2. Chile and Communists go together like Poverty and Propaganda. Blame the Catholics! Kill the Priests! Burn the Churches! It happens every time a country is assaulted by the Leftist pretending to be Progressives.

  3. The subhuman pieces of shit modern day jacobins threw a hissy fit over Amazon having Pinochet Helicopter t- shirts on the site. But this is just fine

    The progressive movement worships the guillotines they used to slaughter the Martyrs of Compiegne and slaughtered babies by the thousands in the Vendee. Pinochet had the right answer when it comes to Marxists.

  4. Chile’s president is a squishy corporate conservative, like the Bushes, Bro. Mitt and Boris.

    Unfortunately, Chileans, while the majority welcomed Pinochet’s coup, justifiably soured on his prolonged dictatorship. It will take some considerable motivation for them to accept another military crackdown. Fortunately for any budding dictators within the military, the marxist thugs and Pinera’s flacid, almost disinterested, response to them are close to pushing the majority past the breaking point.

  5. “Maybe we need a pro-American Pinochet installed in Portland.”

    I’ll do it. But instead of helicopters, I’m gonna have the prisoners clean up murder crime scenes with their bare hands while singing Afternoon Delight.
    Haven’t decided on the outfits they’ll be wearing. Orange is too, ‘look at meee!”

    Also, everyone’s hair will be re-dyed to their natural hair color. lol.
    Oh, and they’ll all be wearing diapers. Spoiled brats.


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