Three-quarters of likely voters believe they’ll recover from COVID if they get it – IOTW Report

Three-quarters of likely voters believe they’ll recover from COVID if they get it

See? Nobody cares about it anymore. Can we get back to normal now?

Just The News: Seventy-five percent of likely U.S. voters think they would recover from COVID-19 if they caught the virus, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Just 22% of the likely voters expressed doubt about surviving the virus and 7% were unsure. read more

15 Comments on Three-quarters of likely voters believe they’ll recover from COVID if they get it

  1. considering that approximately 8,771,000 have come down w/ Chinese Cold Virus (SARS) & approximately 230,000 have died from ‘complications’ which include the Chinese Cold Virus (only 10,000 have died from Covid-19 directly … according to the CDC!)

    … & the CDC gives hospitals $50k of taxpayer $$ for each death certificate that is filled in w/ Covid as cause of death ….

    I’d say 22% of people are stupid Chicken Littles … of course, more people believe in Global Warming Global Cooling Climate Change … the brainwashing is strong w/ ‘proregressives’

  2. If you’re already at risk of dying from conditions you already have you are at risk from covid pushing you over the edge.

    If you’re not already at risk of dying, you are not at measurably significant risk from covid.

    So if you’re on your last legs and trying to stretch things out against the odds, take precautions to protect yourself from catching it.

    That’s science.

  3. A local store owner’s older brother died, he was in his late 70’s. She was saying now she believed it because it killed her brother, so I asked her how her brother’s heart problems had gotten. 2.5 weeks before he died she was talking about him being in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He had never left the hospital, so if he had it, he caught it in the hospital. She said 3 days before he died they tested him and he was positive, but was negative when he first came in and after they tested him he went downhill in a hurry, but get this they also put him on a ventilator after he tested positive. All the time he had been in the hospital he had not been on a ventilator. He was also on medicare, so how many think that they knew he was dying, they made sure he tested positive to get that extra money for Covid? Besides his congestive heart failure he had diabetes, kidney disease and liver disease.

    I’m sorry he passed away, but chances are he wasn’t going to make it, he was in really bad shape.
    My aunt died the same way several years ago, she had diabetes, kidney disease and then when she got congestive heart failure she never came out of the hospital.


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