More Biden Family Scandals? – IOTW Report

More Biden Family Scandals?

If true, the latest Biden family scandals are getting even creepier.

Delaware GOP Senate Candidate Says Sen. Chris Coons’ Daughter is ‘Featured on Hunter’s Laptop’.

Hunter Biden Leaker Warns ‘There Will Be More Than 10,000 Pictures,’ ‘More and More Videos’.

SNIP: I haven’t seen any of the videos.


Biden Call to Ukraine In November 2016 After the Election Shows Biden Pressuring President Poroshenko to End Burisma Investigation.

33 Comments on More Biden Family Scandals?

  1. I don’t know about the videos and pictures and all that.
    But Lauren better be right about Coon’s daughter (and if she’s right, how sad and gross) because the only person that’ll be screwed if she’s wrong, is her.

  2. “But Lauren better be right about Coon’s daughter (and if she’s right, how sad and gross) because the only person that’ll be screwed if she’s wrong, is her.”


    I did see two minutes of the Hunter Biden sex tape and I have two words for it: Puh thetic.

    All this stuff is breaking like crazy on Revolver right now.

  3. I’m not going to watch the videos, I’m too afraid it will have child pornography.
    The Coons guy though is a creep, what Father stands there grinning while his teenage daughter is being groped and then later say she didn’t think anything of it.
    A man like that it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he didn’t send her into the lion’s den.

  4. “I’m not going to watch the videos, I’m too afraid it will have child pornography.”

    If it does, and the FBI sat on it and didn’t do anything, that tells you all you need to know. Wray should be drawn and quartered if that is the case.

    What I saw was one of those “WTF was THAT?” type things. Couldn’t even tell what was going on and who was even involved, except it had something to do with feet.

  5. Just watched part of the 15+ minute video linked from GTV/Indonesia or Taiwan on TGP. Yup, it’s Hunter Biden and it’s gross. He’s smoking crack and taking a selfie video of the woman who is “serving” him. I had to pray for protection from the evil one because the devil himself was in that video. I had to watch it because I wanted to see for myself if that was Hunter Biden. I paid close attention to his hands because he has distinctive hands that would be very hard to fake in another video or picture of his hands.

    The Bidens are thoroughly debauched and they’ve disgraced our nation. It’s beyond words.

  6. “15+ minute video linked from GTV/Indonesia or Taiwan on TGP.”

    GTV is Guo TV, for Guo Wengui, aka Miles Guo, Chinese billionaire and dissident. He is closely associated with Steve Bannon. In fact, Bannon was arrested on Guo’s yacht on Long Island Sound, Connecticut area. My sister told me she used to kayak past that yacht on many occasions over the summer and had no idea who it belonged to.

    Guo is also a member at Mar A Lago.

  7. Hunter is a drug addict, the daughter is a drug addict. They both have sex issues. I feel sorry for the Biden kids, everything points towards they had a rough childhood due to their perverted father.

    It’s almost like the two are trying to take dear old Dad down.

  8. This election has to be stopped, and stopped now. Postponed until a number of things get straightened out. Biden’s situation for one, the FBI’s lack of action for another and voter fraud issues. It’s a highly illegal, illegitimate election. Keep Trump in office until things are straightened out.

    What a mess. The DOJ and the FBI are responsible for this.

    Oh, and by the way, whatever happened to the task force on election fraud that Pence was supposed to head up after the last election??? He didn’t do a very good job.





  10. After decades of watching Biden slide through his thieving slimeball life, I get a little satisfaction knowing that at the minimum he will be associated with the most depraved demeaning fithy family. The family he bragged about, always lying, just like graduating first in law school.

    All the chickenshit politicians will avoid him like a leper now. McCain is in hell, and Romney will hide in a bunker in Utah. The rats will jump ship. He will die alone, in shame.

    THIS will be his legacy, he is America’s Caligula.

  11. “America’s Caligula” — Best description of all the Biden men.

    Now here’s a thought: For all who refuse the salvation of Jesus Christ, the Bidens are a great example of who you will be bunking with for all eternity in the lake of fire. I would imagine the kinky sex and being addled on cocaine will only numb you out for a tiny fraction of eternity.

  12. @ Margot
    I’ve never trusted Pence, thought he was a bad pick from the get go and really think Trump was badly advised to pick him.
    He really hasn’t done anything, he screwed up on voter fraud, it was his nightmare task force that has caused so many problems for the country and the administration.

  13. BTW apparently from the reporting I’m seeing on GP, these videos all end with a message, one of the messages says he gave China CIA agents who were killed.

  14. @ Old Racist White Woman, I have never trusted Pence either and I used to comment on another site that the back of Trump’s collar must be soaked from the condensation of Pence breathing down the back of his neck (hoping to be President). I think Pence is a creep.

    With that said, Trump’s picks for this or that post are really a sore point with me.

  15. @seoh – you have found the rabbit hole. Not sure how legit this all is, but here we go. Lude (Luther) Media – GTV – is owned by Chinese billionaire, Miles Guo. He is an enemy of the CCP and by extension an ally of Trump – no direct connection, other than having met with Rudy Giulliani.

    What GP has disclosed is GTV’s intent to release a new incriminating video of Hunter Biden each hour every day until the election. This strategy is to overwhelm the MSM and Tech oligarchs so that they cannot cover it all up. His intent is to stop Biden and the DNC machine and see that Trump is re-elected. By doing so, the CCP will be rendered vulnerable because a re-elected Trump will take a very hard line on the CCP. Guo’s goal is to take down the CCP.

    It all seems very far fetched, but stay tuned we’ll see where it leads – dead end or somewhere else. It’s a deep rabbit hole.

  16. There’s another story on a site called the National File with screenshots of that they purport to be diary entries written by Ashley “Cokehead” Biden.

    In it, she claims that she believes she has childhood trauma from possibly being molested by Pedo Joe. That he took inappropriate showers with her as a child and would wipe her when she went to the bathroom after she was far too old among some other activities and that she flashed other kids when she was in 2nd grade and is now a hypersexual nympho who “is in heat” because of this alleged sex abuse.

    Also, that Joe knows about it and is mad that he now has to worry about this too.

    Thanks to the standards of the national media, I now know that ther seriousness of the charge demands that all women be believed and that Joe should drop out of the race and answer these questions.

    She sounds like she is in a lot of pain. I hope she can find that special someone to come up on her from behind, put their hands on her hips, pull her butt tight against his crotch and take a long sniff of her hair and make everything alright again.

  17. Oh come on!
    What’s truly shocking is that Chris Coons HAS a daughter!

    Some woman laid with THAT?
    Crack whore?
    Dumpster diver?
    Russian bot?
    A woman of Iron Constitution. Or Iron Stomach.

    Whew! “If you live long enough you’ll see everything.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. “She sounds like she is in a lot of pain. I hope she can find that special someone to come up on her from behind, put their hands on her hips, pull her butt tight against his crotch and take a long sniff of her hair and make everything alright again.”


  19. I read the National File article. Heartbreaking. Ashley Biden desperately wants to recover from her traumatic childhood. Sounds like she has has a lot of counseling and is walking through the steps she’s been taught. I pray that someone in her circle points her to the only person that can truly bring her healing, Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on her.


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