Al Qaeda’s second in command on FBI’s most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports – IOTW Report

Al Qaeda’s second in command on FBI’s most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports

FOX: Afghanistan claimed Sunday it killed a top Al Qaeda propagandist on an FBI most-wanted list during an operation in the country’s east, showing the militant group’s continued presence there as U.S. forces work to withdraw from America’s longest-running war amid continued bloodshed.

The reported death of Husam Abd al-Rauf, also known by the nom de guerre Abu Muhsin al-Masri, follows weeks of violence, including a suicide bombing by the Islamic State group Saturday at an education center near Kabul that killed 24 people. Meanwhile, the Afghan government continues to fight Taliban militants even as peace talks in Qatar between the two sides take place for the first time.

The violence and al-Rauf’s reported killing threatens the face-to-face peace talks and risks plunging this nation beset by decades of war into further instability. It also complicates America’s efforts to withdraw, 19 years after it led an invasion targeting the Taliban for hosting Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden after the Sept. 11 attacks. more here

SNIP: His hair color? My guess is 7R Red Penny by L’Oreal.

26 Comments on Al Qaeda’s second in command on FBI’s most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports

  1. Check his financials. I’m sure he is on a few boards of directorships with Hunter. I’m guessing Poppy Seed Export Corporation of Afghanistan.

    Ticker symbol on Hunters computer: Pops for 10-50%

  2. “Al Qaeda’s second in command on FBI’s most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan”

    I want to send my condolences, give me your address…here’s my contact info….

  3. What is sad, is that, even though they don’t have the modernization of the U.S., the tribes in Afghanistan are far freer than citizens of the U.S.

    Do you think a police officer is going to knock on anyone’s door and arrest them for having an unregistered firearm? Not, unless they want their face shot off.


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