Multiple journals reject major mask study amid hints that it shows masks don’t stop COVID – IOTW Report

Multiple journals reject major mask study amid hints that it shows masks don’t stop COVID

Just The News:

A major study out of Denmark that sought to examine the efficacy of face masks at limiting the spread of COVID-19 has reportedly been rejected by multiple academic journals amid hints that the study found face coverings are not effective in protecting individuals from the coronavirus. 

Masks have been among the most persistent and controversial flashpoints of the COVID-19 epidemic for months. Health officials around the world initially argued strongly against their use, claiming that studies over the years had demonstrated that masks were ineffective at stopping respiratory viruses and unnecessary for the current pandemic. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example, told CBS’ “60 Minutes” in March: “Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.” 

Growing concerns over a purportedly high rate of asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 led many of those same officials, including Fauci, to reverse their recommendations, urging people to wear masks whenever they go out in public.

Reflecting the new public sentiment on masks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges Americans to “wear masks in public settings, like on public and mass transportation, at events and gatherings, and anywhere they will be around other people.”

Mandates by governors and national leaders over the past several months have further enforced those conclusions, with many public leaders issuing orders for citizens to don face coverings while in grocery stores, on public transport, and even in open outdoor areas such as public parks.  more

17 Comments on Multiple journals reject major mask study amid hints that it shows masks don’t stop COVID

  1. As long as governments get get people to do a lot of stupid things they are going to keep on doing it. We will still be doing this crap a year from now.

    That is, of course, unless Ol’ Joe gets elected next week in which case there will be a miracle. He can’t collect a lot of taxes from people who aren’t working.

  2. Masks make everything worse. Masks keep people unhealthier longer until their immune system collapses. When that happens, people will look for a savior in the form of gubment, which is what gubment wants because it perpetuates its own existence – to maintain control over the population.

    There, I said it.

  3. Was on the NYS ‘Thruway’ today and stopped at a rest stop.

    Went in to take care of a ‘muscle complaint’, to take a piss, and next to me two stalls away because of ‘separation’, there was a guy holding his pecker in his left hand and holding his phone in his right hand.

    BUT, he had a mask on…ya ‘see’. Per the sign…on the front door to the rest area, and handle that we ALL touch, heck we barely touch the handle. The glass spot next to the handle will be the next place for the highest surface to carry Whuflu.

  4. WE the people are the ones allowing this stupidity to continue.

    Stand up, en masse, and say, FUCK YOU to those that insist on ruling over US….it’s that damn simple.

  5. Forgot to say…

    He probably washed his hands, maybe…but DEFINITELY NOT that phone!

    Ewwww, as they say… :>O

    BTW, per the thumbnail, Tim Kaines KID is an Antifag.

  6. (1) Death rates from COVID are down (as predicted).
    (2) Hospitalization rates from COVID are down (as predicted).
    (3) COVID infections are now less severe (as predicted).
    (4) The world is in it’s third COVID ‘oscillation’ – exactly as some early models predicted.
    (5) Trying to slow the spread at this point is actually a mistake.
    (6) Masks only prevent large diameter droplets from escaping an infected person’s mouth. Use on sick individuals and medical staff.

    The best thing that could happen now is for medical agencies around the world to emphasize the availability of treatment for COVID-19 while governments relax prohibitions against normal human activity, thus allowing as many people as possible to be exposed to the disease. There’s no other way!

  7. Are these the same useless journolists’ that tell us one thing and ‘rip the mask off’ when the time comes? WHEN the cameras go off? OR so THEY think we do no see?!

    To the HELL with them.

    Why are cases ‘going UP’ IF we are ‘complying’ with these fucking masks?

    SPOILER ALERT – they hate the POTUS and THAT is why this bullshit continues and has endured and lasted…

    Movie over…

  8. If someone is asymptomatic while testing positive, is it counted as positive or is it questioned as being a faultci test?
    Being positive for the virus while dispalying NO symptoms doesn’t make any sense to me.

  9. My youngest boy told me that he went to a local park with friends, without masks, then a younger boy came over and told my son yelled at him for not wearing a mask and that he was ‘going to die’.

    My son asked him where he heard this? He said…on CNN.
    (Face palm plant with double hands…)

    The boy he was talking to was TEN YEARS OLD and his mother was a hundred feet away…are ya ready…with no mask!

    My son then told this boy AND HIS MOTHER about facts they NEVER have even heard of.

    My boy had and entire ‘Karntation’ with a nut woman and her younger nutly raised indoctrinated son.

    He handled himself WELL and MADE ME PROUD. He was respectful and yet got the message across.

    Yeah, we don’t take SHIT.

  10. I have a Trump mask. The damn things so thin you can see through it. It’s perfect. If I need to wear a mask, that’s it. That’s the folly of all this shit though. And a clear signal our overseers don’t buy it either. If they did there would be a strict criteria on acceptable masks.

  11. Speaking of Covid, Elon Musk of all people says it’s a license to print money. Interesting info at the link regarding costs of testing.

    For those in the testing industry, business is pretty good right now.

    “The US leads the world in SARS-CoV-2 testing per capita, averaging nearly 1.1M daily tests last week. At an average price per test of $140.59, expected annual spend at this rate would be $56 Billion.”

    Can you say “scamdemic”? Say, how’s Kodak making out these days?

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