When Danielle Reiss attended President Trump’s campaign rally in Henderson, Nevada, on Sep. 13, she had no idea it would cost her job.
Reiss is a music publicist partnered with Pop Off, a Boston-based advertising agency that connects publicists like Reiss with artists. She signed a contract in August under which Pop Off would refer artists to her, and she would give the agency a percentage of the money she earned from helping referred artists with publicity. In early September, Pop Off connected her with her first client.
But on Sept. 13, Reiss went to a campaign rally for President Trump. Afterward she posted on social media a photo of herself with a “Make America Great Again” sign and the caption: “I saw our president speak in Anaheim, California in 2016. Yesterday, I watched him speak in Las Vegas, Nevada. God Bless America.” more
A “Go Fund Me” moment.
And the left can see there is a secret Trump voting waive building? As in they don’t believe a Trump voter would refuse to tell a pollster what they were actually going to do?
I need to buy more jugs to collect all the liberal tears that will be flowing on the 3rd of November. I still have several bottles from ’16 but I’m letting them age.
A wrongful termination lawsuit moment.
“blatantly undermine the values we uphold at Pop Off”
They forgot to add: For a sampling of Pop Off’s values visit the website featuring material found on Hunter Biden’s hard drive
Just imagine how it might be if the leftists were NOT tolerant.
What a pussy that dude is, but then all bidenites seem to be.
The typical democrat these days is a total fucking cunt, period.
@theMule – I saw what you did there.
Remember what Dear Reader, the post turtle, the fraudulent perfessor of kenyan origins said:
“when they hit us hard, we hit them harder”,
in fact I think he taught his pet linebacker, the beard, to say it too.
If the left pulls any sheet after they lose their ass in this election, there will be hell to pay. No more games.
Civil Right Lawsuit.
UNLESS she used, or display her companies LOGO w/o authority.
Toobin was auditioning for Pop Off, he’s aligned with their values.
Breach of contract.