Trump Is Right: New York City Is A Ghost Town – IOTW Report

Trump Is Right: New York City Is A Ghost Town

Federalist- In Thursday night’s debate, President Donald Trump quite accurately called New York City a “ghost town.” Our mayor took offense at this description.

So let’s take a look at the facts on the ground, the barren, empty, barely trodden ground of New York City. Half a million Gothamites are unemployed, which is a rate of 14.5 percent that at this time last year was 3.5 percent. The national unemployment rate is currently half what it is here. In Miami, unemployment is at 8.1 percent.

Despite the fact that New York City was one the first states hit by the Chinese virus, its recovery is lagging well behind the rest of the nation.

10 Comments on Trump Is Right: New York City Is A Ghost Town

  1. when they let the Muzzies throw eggs from a bridge on to a Jews for Trump parade without any ramifications, that city can rot in hell for all I care……got what you deserve bitches…..

  2. Real estate is plummeting and foreign investors are buying, but the real buy-ups have yet to happen. China is patiently waiting for the right time to swoop in for the kill and Kaiser Wilhelm is playing along like the good Communist Comrad that he is!

  3. hmmm. From a very popular Book. Many scholars think NY is Babylon. IDK…..metaphor? actual?
    “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” (Revelation 18:21).

  4. One good thing that might happen as a result of the escape from NYC is many skillful chefs and restaurateurs may move to smaller cities across the country bringing some good food choices to smaller cities or towns. Last I heard it is estimated 50% of restaurants in NYC may go out of business.

  5. Why does one go to a noisy, dirty, smelly city like NYC?
    Broadway shows, museums, shopping, fine food?
    All shut down.
    I hear the camping in Central Park ain’t too bad though…


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