Big Tech Panicking – Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls – IOTW Report

Big Tech Panicking – Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls


A diverse and patriotic MAGA movement is overwhelming the mechanisms of narrative control; and they are doing it by flooding the zones with a combination of “old school” and “modern tech” workarounds.  It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.

Before getting into the details of how this truly organic situation is unfolding it is worth looking at how big tech is freaking out [CNN Narrative Engineering HERE].

A right-wing offensive” is the 2020 narrative equivalent to Clinton’s vast Russian conspiracy theory.  The truth is Big Tech is getting their ass kicked by the American electorate and they are freaking out about how visible, in-your-face, unapologetic and dramatic the MAGA activism has become.  Thus blame-casting is needed.

You know they are getting their asses kicked when they have to create a political enemy to blame; real or imagined it matters not, the point is to create some “other” in an attempt to avoid confronting reality. Remember, Alinsky created their rule book and process.

Here’s what is happening… really just an affirmation of what everyone is noticing and talking about…. and it is wonderful. more

7 Comments on Big Tech Panicking – Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls

  1. All Summer long, normal people going about their business have been hectored, harassed and assaulted by roving packs of leftist assholes with bullhorns. Did those leftists think that because there was no immediate pushback, no pushback would ever come?

    I dare the bullhorn leftists to show up at my precinct on election day.

  2. Amen…the forces of Christ united against the forces of Satan…

    We are at the cusp of the end times but the Lord is allowing us a shot at redemption yet one more time.

    We are all races rising up against Lucifer and his evil minions and we are winning.

    I pray to the Lord God Almighty that we can vomit out the poison that is liberal Marxism and its global masters from our great republic

    I was in spiritual despair for 8 years of watching us circle the drain but I should gave had more faith. It took 8 years and a unlikely billionaire but the Lord works in mysterious ways and redemption is at hand. Hallelujah, praise the Lord, redemption is at hand.

  3. This looks Great but just make sure you vote and get others to do the same.
    The Socialists will lie, cheat and steal, steal, steal to grab the power and if they get away with it, America as a free country, is toast.

  4. 4 years under President Trump, following 10+ years of The Apprentice, another 30+ years of self-promotion and they still haven’t figured out there is no one better at media messaging than President Trump. How did Big Tech get so big?

  5. Listening to the Trump rally today I heard him say Jeff Zucker may be replaced at CNN after the election. I had not heard that before, but WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar may be moving toward that decision. There might finally be some recognition CNN has been running hard in the wrong direction. However, even if that happens I am not expecting a change in direction. Maybe only a deceleration going toward the cliff. .


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