Leftists Slam Dianne Feinstein: ‘Time to Retire’ – IOTW Report

Leftists Slam Dianne Feinstein: ‘Time to Retire’

Breitbart: The Washington Post, as well as several leftists, are criticizing Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) for her performance at the hearings this week for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, including Feinstein’s praise for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein is the ranking member on the committee.

The Post tracked down Feinstein critics for its report and even trashed her on mask protocol: 

As a contentious week of confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett wrapped up Thursday, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee had little to offer but praise.

“This has been one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). “It leaves one with a lot of hopes, a lot of questions and even some ideas perhaps of good bipartisan legislation we can put together.”

If that wasn’t enough to anger Democrats — who have spent this week trying to paint Barrett’s nomination process as a sham — Feinstein also thanked the committee’s chair, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), and then walked across the room to wrap him in a hug. Never mind that neither senator was wearing a face mask. Many Democrats were so much more incensed about what that hug symbolized — a final white flag, a compliment for Graham after a comparatively tame week of questioning — that, hours later, at least two liberal activist groups called for Feinstein to go.

“It’s time for Senator Feinstein to step down from her leadership position on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Brian Fallon, the executive director of Demand Justice, said in a statement. “If she won’t, her colleagues need to intervene.” read more

18 Comments on Leftists Slam Dianne Feinstein: ‘Time to Retire’

  1. I’ve never trusted Lindsay. But when you review his performance post McShitstain, he’s been irreplaceable. If he loses his election it will make things much tougher on Trump. And he’s way behind in the polls do to out of state BIG money. That needs to be stopped

  2. “If she won’t, her colleagues need to intervene.”

    Ha! Right. When have the Dem’s EVER intervened to get rid of one of their dinosaurs? RBG did it her way so can the others. Let them die one-by-one in their chair seats. I’m all for letting them stay and continue to show just who they are. It will all come out at the end and a little by the way – right Joe and Humper? Say, what’s that old and tired Maxine Waters up to these days? Has the Biden family antics silenced her? LMAO!

  3. The Demonrats want to destroy America and Western Civilization.
    Why should they “reach across the aisle” to their mortal foes?
    Feinstein may have gotten a glimpse of the Hell awaiting her and decided to convey a fact for once in her miserable, greedy, grasping, disingenuous life.
    Assumption, on my part – but I can see no (other) conceivable reason for her to refrain from lying – which is the coin of her realm. I was taught that everyone is offered redemption – we have only to reach out and accept it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Difi’s lleftists critics need to wake up and face the truth. They never retire voluntarily. They have to be forced to retire. Either by being voted out of office or waiting for them to kick the bucket, forced out by death. They seldom leave office by any other method.

    I’d like to see her gone too, but for different reasons. But to give Difi some credit. She is smart enough to realize being as nasty to ACB as they were to Kavanaugh would have been a bigger mistake than being a full on TDS Phyco as her leftists critics are.


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