Hunter Biden’s 2017 rant about Burisma: ‘I was fighting for the only income I have left’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s 2017 rant about Burisma: ‘I was fighting for the only income I have left’

Just The News:

After his father left office as vice president, Hunter Biden lamented to a business partner in spring 2017 that his lucrative and controversial relationship with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings was in danger of falling apart. 

“I was fighting for the only income I have left right now from Burisma,” Hunter Biden wrote in a series of terse, f-bomb-laden text messages in June 2017 to Tony Bobulinski, the chief executive officer of a China-related venture the Biden family was creating at the time. 

The messages were contained in dump of communications that Bobulinski, now a whistleblower to the Senate and FBI, made public in the last week. They were independently verified by Just the News with one of the recipients and provide fresh evidence that Hunter Biden’s business fortunes appeared in many ways tied to his father’s proximity to power. 

Since 2014, Hunter Biden’s work as a board member for Burisma and its owner Mykola “Nikolais” Zlochevsky has generated controversy, in part because the Ukrainian gas firm was under corruption investigation at the same time then-Vice President Biden oversaw U.S. anti-corruption policy in Ukraine.   more here

22 Comments on Hunter Biden’s 2017 rant about Burisma: ‘I was fighting for the only income I have left’

  1. If Jackass Joe was any kind of a concerned, caring parent he would have made sure his son actually worked for everything he ever got instead of being a lousy grifter that expected everything handed to him on a silver platter because of his name! If anything, in a just world, this worthless, crack-addled, POS should be handed a jail sentence because of his name!!

  2. Make absolutely no mistake about it, the progs actually look up to the Bidens for pulling this off. I am 100% serious. I was around that filth long enough to have been able to be the fly on the wall when they are talking among themselves. They have absolutely no problem with any of this. There is a reason I refer to them as subhuman. They truly are.

  3. The Bidens, Clintons and their ilk are predators and monsters. They are con men and murderers. They have gotten a pass so far because they have money and influence. And people like Ilhan Omar should be deported or incarcerated. When will our elected officials begin upholding the law?

    There is video evidence of it all! hellery clinton after the election proclaiming to be the resistance. Democrat politicians encouraging civil unrest and violence.

    Breaking the law to overthrow a duly elected President. Using public office to enrich themselves and sell out the American people. This shit needs to be fixed.

    As democrats are fond of saying – no one is above the law. Prove it!!!

  4. I still think he’ll flip and dish some dirt on his dad and others. Beau was the favorite and he’s dead. Ashley is probably the other favorite because she’s the only girl and mom is the current wife. That leaves Hunter, the clean-up man, swinging out there all alone. A little good-cop-bad-cop may be just the thing.

  5. I heard that all that stuff was unverified. Sure, some of those nasty photographs probably include hundreds of location and date stamped naked images of Humper and dozens of women (including several who may be related to him and some who are obviously Chinese hookers supplied by the ChiComs), but Humper is a young, fifty year old man who hasn’t gotten over his mother and sister’s death at the hands of a drunk driver. As for those emails and contracts, they look like classic Russian disinformation according to Congressman Adam Schiff. All of this verification takes time to verify. It can’t be verified until it’s verifiable. Leslie Stahl tried to set things right just the other night, none of it has been verified and it cannot be verified until Dementia Joe is elected to get to the bottom of this unverifiable stuff.

  6. Marco, are you saying it’s verifiability is unverifiable, i.e., it has no verifiability? (Needs verification.) Or that we have to elect Joe to find out – and verifiably (sic) (or unverifiably) verify – what’s in Hunter? Do we really need verification, or can we take the laptop’s data as unlikely to be proven unverified? Verily, I’ll wait.

  7. Jimmy: I’m trying desperately to make it really, really clear that some important media types don’t believe the contents of the laptop have been verified. It seems that the very act of trying to verify the unverifiable makes it impossible to verify the contents of Humper’s missing laptop before the 2024 election. This isn’t proof that it’s unverifiable, it’s just really, really very difficult to verify anything that comes from Rudy Giuliani instead of the Russians. For goodness sakes, some of this looks like Macedonian Content Farmers planted this hard drive in Wilmington! We have all seen what they did to upend the 2016 election. Carlos Danger was obviously working for the Cheka and the KGB when he deliberately send those photographs to those underaged Russian girls. Of course, none of this has been verified yet.


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