DOJ swears to accuracy of Flynn exhibits and calls on judge to dismiss case immediately – IOTW Report

DOJ swears to accuracy of Flynn exhibits and calls on judge to dismiss case immediately


Following an order from the presiding judge, the Justice Department filed declarations swearing to the accuracy of the exhibits it relied upon in a motion to dismiss the case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and the documents that it provided to his legal team.

The Justice Department also called upon the judge to grant to the dismissal, which he has so far resisted doing, with roughly a week to go before Election Day.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine submitted a 46-page filing on Monday night, assuring the judge that “there have been no material alterations made to any of the 14 Government Exhibits filed in support of the motion to dismiss and the supplement to the motion to dismiss.” DOJ emphasized that it now “declares under penalty of perjury that the Government Exhibits and Discovery Documents are true and correct, are correctly identified, and have been faithfully transcribed.”

Judge Emmet Sullivan, who has fought the Justice Department’s efforts to dismiss the criminal charges against Flynn since May, ordered DOJ to provide sworn declarations “under penalty of perjury” last week after the Justice Department acknowledged that it had inadvertently included sticky notes with estimated dates on handwritten notes from former FBI special agent Peter Strzok and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in documents recently handed over to the Flynn team as part of the discovery process during a deep-dive review by U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen.

Sidney Powell, the lead attorney for Flynn, told the Washington Examiner last week that “DOJ is not the problem here. This is another stall tactic from an impossibly biased judge.” Flynn’s lawyers argued earlier this month that Sullivan’s “increasingly hostile and unprecedented words and deeds in what has become his own prosecution of General Flynn mandate his disqualification.” more

17 Comments on DOJ swears to accuracy of Flynn exhibits and calls on judge to dismiss case immediately

  1. God works in mysterious ways. He is scrubbing Gen Flynn clean so that when Flynn spills the beans, there won’t be any refutation. God is causing the DOJ to certify that Flynn is spotless thereby sealing their own fate when the SHTF.

  2. Attorney Robert Barnes said if he was running the DOJ, he would immediately get a grand jury subpoena and seize all of Judge Sullivan’s records, cell phones, everything to expose a criminal conspiracy between Sullivan and the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Holder crime syndicate.

  3. democrats can do anything they want, including breaking any laws, because there is nobody to stop them.
    Trump will tweat about it.
    Barr will make a speach about it, maybe.

    A thousand of them will loot walmart tonight, like they do almost every other night. Why not?

    What comes next is either complete anarchy or a brutal dictator. Those are the only two options. To think things will get better all by themselves without a dictator is idiotic. The republican party had their chance to enact law and order and they didn’t have the gonads.

    It may not happen by next year, but the next stop is either complete societal breakdown or a dictator on the order of mussolini to put a stop to it.

    Thanks a lot republican party, for letting the people who voted for you get robbed, killed and destroyed, all so the local newspaper wouldn’t call you a racist or hitler. Thanks a lot you cocksuckers.


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