The end of China Joe’s plausible deniability – IOTW Report

The end of China Joe’s plausible deniability

Patriot Retort-

Last night Tucker Carlson devoted his entire hour to an interview with Tony Bobulinski – the Biden family’s former business partner turned whistleblower. And when Bobulinski expressed concern to China Joe’s brother over how the Biden family planned square this business deal with China with any future Presidential run of Biden’s, brother Biden summed it up in two words – plausible deniability.

In other words, the Biden family deliberately set things up in a way to give the appearance that China Joe’s fingerprints were nowhere near these dirty deals.

With an air of “so there,” the media spent last week shrieking that there was no evidence in Biden’s tax returns that old China Joe was up to his tits in Hunter’s shady deals.

Does the media really believe Joe’s tax returns will have a line-item that reads “My ten percent of Hunter’s shady deal with the Chinese Communists.” more

7 Comments on The end of China Joe’s plausible deniability

  1. Has anyone else wondered if the Chicoms have blackmailed Biden into divulging information damaging to our country? I have.
    Biden is a snake in the grass that only a fool would trust.

  2. Billy Twoknives
    OCTOBER 29, 2020 AT 1:42 AM
    “Has anyone else wondered if the Chicoms have blackmailed Biden into divulging information damaging to our country? ”

    ….no blackmail necessary. Like all Democrats, he hates this Nation and wants it dead so he and his ilk can rule the ruins as absolute tyrants. He does not disagree with Chinese dictatorial philosophy or methods in any significant way.

    The cash and underage sex slaves are just a side benefit.

  3. The Biden Crime Family has only lost their plausible deniability with the honest citizens of this country. Millions of citizens don’t care if the Biden Family was involved in dishonest business dealings for decades with Ukrainians, Russians, Romanians, Chinese and even Kazakhs. They tolerated the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation and Obama selling out this country for eight years. These morons wouldn’t care if America became a Third World Shithole as long as they got their welfare payments and felt good about all the wonderful things government was doing by expanding programs and payments to solve problems like Climate Change, free health care, free sex reassignment surgery, free abortions, free college and free everything else imaginary. They are all Socialist Plantation Dwellers now.


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