A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He’d Known Since 8th Grade – IOTW Report

A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He’d Known Since 8th Grade


Igor Danchenko and Olga Galkina — not quite Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, but they tried hard.

This is not the first time Olga Galkina’s name has been confirmed as one of the key sources behind allegations in the Steele Dossier reports.

But the Wall Street Journal has a story out today about the individual identified as “Sub-Source 3” providing much more information and background on Galkina.  It makes even more clear the fact that the various reports making up the Steele Dossier — basis for nearly four years of wall-to-wall non-stop coverage in the media, and tens of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of federal law enforcement man-hours wasted — was all done in pursuit of a story that had all the earmarks of a hoax from the very start.

Vladamir Putin goes to bed each night chuckling at the way he made the NYT, WaPo, ABC, NBC, CBS — not to mention the FBI and DOJ — look like chuckle-headed morons chasing this complete fraud.  The fact that many in the media hold-out hope that there really was something there, our point to the completely idiotic outcomes of the efforts of the Mueller Special Counsel’s Office – while at the same time IGNORING the FACTS that Joe Biden went into business with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army — is for all practical purposes, a signifier that our great nation is on the brink of self-destruction.

Igor Danchenko had a case opened on him in 2009 as a likely Russian intelligence operative tasked with recruiting incoming members of the newly-elected Obama Administration to sell classified information to Russian intelligence services.  Two individuals described to the FBI how Danchenko approached them after the election in 2008 to inquire if they would be joining the Obama Administration foreign policy team, and if they did he could help them to sell classified information they might obtain to people who were interested in buying that kind of information.  In January 2017 he was interviewed by the FBI who knew at that point that he was the “Primary Sub-source” for Christopher Steele — the sole conduit through which the information from a “network of sub-sources” inside Russia was supplying information on connections between Donald Trump, the Trump Campaign, and Russian government actors.


8 Comments on A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He’d Known Since 8th Grade

  1. Anonymous October 29, 2020 at 9:00 am


    This is going to embarrass the Democrats.

    Now they’ll be out to get everyone that deceived them instead of Trump.

    Or not.

    I think ‘not” since they aren’t willing to touch the real deal on the Bidens. They know that’s all true, and it is embarrassing them. I don’t know if “embarrassed” is the right word. I think they know that in some way they are screwed. They’ll come unglued 11/4 or maybe before. They will wish they hadn’t because there’s plenty of fed up citizens that’s going to do some whomp ass. If they’re complaining about hospital beds being in short supply now, they’ll be dying in the triage setups in the middle of a corn field. A big commie party (Dims) are going to see real $hit happen.

  2. There were at least fifty FBI agents assigned to Robespierre Mueller’s Committee of Public Safety during their phony investigation of Russian Collusion. Not one of them was a Patriot. Not a single one of them came forward and exposed this fraudulent attempt to depose a properly, legally elected President of the United States. They were all complicit in this attempted coup. They all need to be exposed and fired along with Director Wray on November 4, 2020.


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