COMPLAINT: Biden Center Received $22 Million In Donations From Unidentified Chinese Donor – IOTW Report

COMPLAINT: Biden Center Received $22 Million In Donations From Unidentified Chinese Donor

National File:

As questions loom about the Biden family’s deep connections to the Chinese Communist Party, news comes that the Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania has received $22 million in donations over six years from anonymous Chinese donors.

With just days to go before one of the most critical elections in modern times, requests by the National Legal & Policy Center (NLPC) to the University of Pennsylvania and the US Department of Education to release the names of those donors have been denied.

The NLPC filed a complaint with the Department of Education citing the donations because federal law requires universities to publicly disclose any donations over $250,000. The NLPC said that despite this federal disclosure requirement the Department of Education will not compel the Biden Center to disclose the donor list.

“The University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Biden Center are particularly vulnerable to China government influences due to the large amounts of China donations and contracts,” the complaint reads. more here

2 Comments on COMPLAINT: Biden Center Received $22 Million In Donations From Unidentified Chinese Donor

  1. The Republican establishment is invested in similar schemes. Nothing will come of this. They are thinly veiled graft and both Parties have an informal agreement to perpetuate them.

  2. JDHasty, exactly. These parties are colluding together to slow walk or bury any information because they are all involved in influence peddling. They use the FBI to “investigate” when caught. The FBI then redacts or destroys evidence (under the guise of national security, of course) of criminal behavior and a corrupt DOJ declines to prosecute when they can’t contain or control the flow of information. The game is fixed.


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