Why Democrats Still Love to Spy on Americans – IOTW Report

Why Democrats Still Love to Spy on Americans

American Spectator| Jack Cashill:

John Brennan and the death of progressive journalism.

The very last op-ed progressive journalist Michael Hastings wrote for BuzzFeed was titled, “Why Democrats Love to Spy on Americans.” Ten days later, on June 17, 2013, Hastings emailed his BuzzFeed associates warning them, “The Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates.’ ” He added that he was “onto a big story” and had to go “off the rada[r] for a bit … hope to see you all soon.”

Hastings did not get to see those associates soon or otherwise. In the early morning hours of June 18, his leased Mercedes crashed into a palm tree at high speeds in a residential Los Angeles neighborhood. The car burst into flames upon impact, and Hastings’s body was burned beyond recognition.

Two months later, Hastings’s widow, Elise Jordan, gave her first national interview. “My gut is that it was really a tragic accident,” Jordan said of the crash, before adding a more bankable quote: “There will be published his profile of John Brennan in an upcoming edition of Rolling Stone, probably in a couple weeks.”

Jordan did not know enough about President Obama’s newly appointed CIA director to be concerned. For the four previous years, Brennan had served quietly as Obama’s deputy national security adviser and generally kept his name out of the news. Jordan’s comments about Brennan made no waves.

They should have. Although not yet made public, Michael Hastings was well aware of a 2010 email hacked from the chief security officer of Stratfor, a global intelligence company and CIA contractor. more

14 Comments on Why Democrats Still Love to Spy on Americans

  1. Why do they spy? Select all that apply:

    (1) They suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

    (2) They’re anal douchebags who have no constructive lives of their own.

    (3) They’re envious dirtbags who are always on the lookout to harm successful people.

    (4) Because they’re busybodies addicted to sticking their noses into other people’s business.

    (5) They can’t help it. Shit-for-brains is genetically inherited.

    (6) They were dropped on their heads as babies.

    (7) They’re still eating pablum for breakfast followed by mother’s milk. Soy for lunch.

    (8) -3 sigma IQ’s produces stupid behavior.

    (9) That’s enough. Get off my planet.

  2. They trust no one but themselves because they attribute
    their own evil desires to everyone. This is also why they
    constantly use projection to foist their guilt on the innocent.

  3. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Nothing. I’ve sold guns to a bunch of Amador County Fire Department guys. Including the Chief. I asked him about it a couple weeks ago and he told me the FBI came in and shut the local Sheriffs department out of the loop and it died there. Go figure. It was big news here for about 2 days. Nefarious Shit my friend.


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