Why Democrats must be kept out of power for at least a generation – IOTW Report

Why Democrats must be kept out of power for at least a generation

American Thinker-

By Dex Bahr

California governor Gavin Newsom’s recent ridiculous Thanksgiving edicts call for gatherings to be restricted to only three households and held outside.  Masks are to be worn before and after eating and between bites.  No singing or chanting is allowed and the meal is to last no longer than two hours.  These are just a few of the restrictions dreamed up to slow the spread of the Wuhan virus.  What these arbitrary proclamations illustrate is the mind of a power-hungry dictator.

Under the pretense of keeping people safe, governors like Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, J.B.  Pritzker, Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Gretchen Whitmer, and Tom Wolf have curtailed the freedoms of Americans — and not just Americans, but the voters who elected these hack politicians in good faith to serve the people.  Democrat governors and mayors have taken the Wuhan virus, along with the rioting and looting, and leveraged it into power that they will not easily relinquish if their behavior up to now is any indication.

They are long past fooling people with their faux compassion.  You can pull the wool over Americans’ eyes for only so long before they become wise to you.  Americans can tell when an elected official has their best interest at heart (which is why President Trump has a huge bond with his base) and when he doesn’t.  The people who live in the states affected by these wannabe dictators have had enough and are starting to rebel.

Some restaurant-owners are refusing to comply with Illinois Governor Pritzker’s latest decrees to shut down eateries due to recent spikes in COVID positive numbers.  Gym-owners are suing New York Governor Cuomo to reopen.  California spectacularly shared its respect for King Gavin by lighting up fireworks in his honor, despite his royal decree to shut down the Fourth of July.  Based on early reactions, I suspect that Newsom’s Thanksgiving proclamation will be met with the same level of scorn. more here

9 Comments on Why Democrats must be kept out of power for at least a generation

  1. Not only do they need to be kept out of power for a generation, but another Joe McCarthy needs to step up and expose the communists in our society and rid the country of their treacherous and treasonous intent.

  2. The Democrats are showing themselves for exactly who and what they are.

    And the American people now know exactly what to expect from them, will they accept and even embrace it?

    We’ll find out tuesday.

  3. “Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, J.B. Pritzker, Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Gretchen Whitmer, and Tom Wolf….”

    …and Ohio’s Mike DeWine who, among other things, imposes statewide mask mandates, arbitrarily cancels elections even when State Supreme Courts say he can’t, and says COVID will getcha if you’re served a drink in a bar after 10 PM because, Science!.

    …Li’l Dictatorship.

    it’s not just for Democrats.

    RINO Never Trumpers want to rule, too…

  4. The blue state governors went all “Joe Stalin” on the Whuflu dictates they made up in their power mad ltttle heads and gave people a nasty taste of what was coming under Biden. The voters spat it out and those blue governors effectively cut their own Demunist party’s political throat, at least for this election.

  5. Who is going to keep them out? – The brainwashed losers who keep voting them in?

    We have a problem here. And it won’t get solved till we take back our educational system from the freaks infesting it.

  6. What we really need to do is the same thing done with muslims some time ago: stomp them down so decicively and thoroughly that we don’t hear a peep from them for a century or so.
    Because it’s about that time for the mohammadmen again too.


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