“A coup without bullets.” Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala – IOTW Report

“A coup without bullets.” Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

American Thinker:

By James Simpson

In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting “crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures,” during Guatemala’s long civil war. Instead, CICIG — an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala’s Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left’s opponents. Many remain illegally detained to this day without trial. Two prominent doctors and a Guatemalan congressman died in jail. All suffered ill health, did not receive proper treatment and were detained much longer than legally allowed. None got a trial. All were absolved following their deaths.

Biden met with then-Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who did not want to renew CICIG’s charter. The Obama administration had promised a $1 billion aid package to Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), but Biden made the aid and upcoming trade agreements contingent upon renewing CICIG’s contract. First cajoling then threatening, Biden finally announced, “The CICIG is staying, period.” Biden used this same tactic in Ukraine, where he bragged about threatening to withhold loan guarantees until the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. Biden also sought Pérez’s help in extending CICIG’s rule to El Salvador and Honduras. read more

5 Comments on “A coup without bullets.” Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

  1. Hell here’s a news flash. He’s got his hands in it right here. Yesterday a told a crowd of voter that he didn’t need their votes to win. WTF? Pelosi, the old bag of skin, says Joe Biden will be President no matter who wins the election. WTF2? Pelosi and Shumer keep using the term “Appointing” when they’re referring to the outcome of the election. WTF are these clowns up to? Lets all hope DJT wins enough electoral votes on the 3rd that they need to call it that night.

  2. Guatemalans are suffering a war between two devils, the far left and the far right. It is the same throughout much of Latin America.

    The Great Divider chose to support the far left in Guatemala, not so much because he is far left, but more to punish our traditional allies, as he did throughout the globe, to create suffering and chaos.

    The lesson he wants the world to learn is NEVER TRUST THE US. Who better to drive that home than Bumbling Joe — while making some money on the side.

    An aside, if Harris wins this week, she has promised to punish Trump and anyone who supported him, which, I assume also includes those who voted and will have voted for him. She won’t need to invite an extra-constitutional foreign institution like CICIG. The Dems already control enough DA and prosecutor offices, and most judges. She might do it anyway, to reinforce the notion that the US is nothing special and should be subservient to its UN overlords.


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