After court ruling, Klobuchar tells Minnesotans ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’ – IOTW Report

After court ruling, Klobuchar tells Minnesotans ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’

A recent court ruling ordered late ballots to be kept separate.


Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., said that in light of an 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling ordering Minnesota ballots received after Election Day to be segregated from other votes, she no longer wants people to vote by mail.

Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon had agreed to extend the deadline for accepting ballots to seven days after Election Day, but a lawsuit from two Republican presidential electors is challenging that. Now, ballots received after Tuesday will be set aside until a court determines whether they should be counted.

“We really are focused right now on making sure people can vote and we’re just telling them, don’t vote by mail anymore,” Klobuchar told “Fox News Sunday,” encouraging voters to vote by other means. “Take your ballot to a dropoff box, we’ve got plenty of them in Minnesota,” she added. more here

SNIP: Dems scared them with COVID to get them to vote by mail in the first place. lol

12 Comments on After court ruling, Klobuchar tells Minnesotans ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’

  1. People managed to vote on time for 250 years, even when they had to ride to a poll on horseback. Voting must be done IN-PERSON with photo ID – no mailing ballots to people, no motor voter registration, no ballot harvesting, no registering on election day, no early voting, absentee ballots only after identity is verified, and NO votes counted after the polls close. The ONLY reason to do any of these things is because you intend to cheat.

    I like the idea I read on another site – every county (or parish or whatever) must announce their vote totals at the same time on election night so no one who wants to cheat “finds” ballots ‘accidentally’ left in a car trunk or stashed in a warehouse. WHY WOULD VOTES BE STORED IN A WAREHOUSE WHEN THEY’RE TO BE COUNTED THAT NIGHT? Too many elections have been forfeited (NOT lost) because D’s ‘found’ enough votes to ‘win’ after they knew how many were needed, and R’s who rolled over without fighting tooth and nail are just as responsible.

  2. @Phuzzy Logick: Totally agree with all of your post.

    I don’t understand why there aren’t consequences for “forgetting” ballots – election officials should be expected to carry out their duties and not “forget” – Maybe if they knew they’d go to jail, it might help them to “remember” to turn in the ballots in their care.


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