dr. Fauci’s restaurant-owning cousin wishes he would ease up on lockdowns – IOTW Report

dr. Fauci’s restaurant-owning cousin wishes he would ease up on lockdowns

“I don’t want to tell you what I think about [de Blasio]. You won’t be able to print it. Him and that other jabroni, Cuomo.”


While Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to urge caution in opening up bars and restaurants in his role as national coronavirus czar, another Anthony Fauci — his Staten Island cousin — slings sauce in his popular Italian restaurant and laments what his relative has done to the dining industry.

“They shouldn’t do the lockdowns. Especially now. If you don’t abide by the rules … shut that area down, but don’t shut down the whole industry,” said the 84-year-old founder of La Fontana, Anthony Fauci.

His son, Joe Fauci, 57, who runs the now-iconic eatery in Oakwood, echoed his dad’s concerns, while still expressing admiration for his famous relative.

“In the beginning, I thought he was fabulous, but then a few times he flip-flopped on different things. He had us all locked down at a tremendous rate,” Joe told The Post. “They should have loosened things up when it was slowing down in the summer. Everything else was loosening up except the restaurant business.”

Dr. Fauci, 79, has in the past said he was open to a nationwide lockdown to halt the spread the deadly virus. In recent months he has said that probably won’t be necessary, but still resisted moves to get things back to normal. In September he called Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to fully reopen bars and restaurants “very concerning.”


17 Comments on dr. Fauci’s restaurant-owning cousin wishes he would ease up on lockdowns

  1. …I wouldn’t worry about Fauci. I’m pretty sure there’s a lamp post with his name on it on Pennsylvania Avenue, after we’ve settled with the higher ranking Democrat traitors and have time to deal with lighter matters…

  2. If “lockdowns” truly work there should be plenty of statistical data to prove it by now.

    Is there?

    I don’t hear anyone proclaiming it, but I’m not much involved in paying that much attention to the subject on the news.

  3. Dr. Fauci needs a plastictomy,
    That’s an operation where they install a clear plastic band around the waist so the patient can see where they’re going with their head up their ass.

  4. …but Fauci always refused to wear a mask himself, most notably when he attended a baseball game he forbade to the rest of us (“Rules for Thee, not for Me”), so maybe Justice would be best satisfied by jamming used masks down his throat until he suffocates, just as he planned to suffocate US?

    …with that white hair, short stature, pasty skin, and strings from the wad of masks in his larynx hanging out of his mouth while it foams with bloody sputum, he’d look quite like a used tampon.

    …rather fitting end, when you think about it…

  5. Everyone has an uncle who is an asshole. (my family too)

    On Nov 4th they should throw him out the front door of the white house into the filthiest yellow cab driven by a driver who has barely been able to earn a living since March!

    Let him know what it feels like to have a suffering working class man scream 6 months of frustration at him.

  6. Put your wayward relative in his place with a clear demonstration of your displeasure with him.

    Don’t invite Antony to the family Thanksgiving Dinner. Oh wait… if the little bastard does what he has done in the past, and ignores the rules he tries to force on everyone else. If he shows up for TG dinner with the family. Don’t let him in or onto your lawn.

    Dr. Fauci Says ‘Bite the Bullet’ and Cancel Thanksgiving

    https://www.eatthis.com/fauci-thanksgiving-advice-covid/ .

    Ducktor Fauci, go away.


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