Barry, Joe and your right to have ‘Badakathcare’ – IOTW Report

Barry, Joe and your right to have ‘Badakathcare’

Thin-skinned Barry is sounding kind of bitter.

Patriot Retort:

For years now, I’ve been referring to Hillary Clinton as the chick who won’t let go – the bitter, jilted ex who, despite the passage of time, still cannot stop obsessing about the guy who dumped her. But the truth is, that description also fits thin-skinned Barry Obama to a tee.

The forgotten, former President is hitting the campaign trail for his doofus VP in the waning days of this election. And by all accounts, it seems Barry isn’t so much making the affirmative case for Joe as he is airing his bitter grievances against the guy who made him irrelevant.

Obama’s stump speeches on behalf of Biden are like listening to the bitter ex railing against the guy who dumped her.

Yesterday, thin-skinned Barry couldn’t stop perseverating on the overwhelming crowds that attend Trump’s rallies. Sure, he tried to disguise it as “Trump is obsessed with his crowd size,” but in reality, the only person obsessed with Trump’s rally sizes is Obama himself.

It really burrows under Barack’s skin just what a rock star Trump is.  I mean, it eats away at him like a flesh-eating virus. more

12 Comments on Barry, Joe and your right to have ‘Badakathcare’

  1. Babble From The Soy Of America

    That reminds me…Where do these demonic, nihilist perverts get off talking about battling for America’s soul? I reckon if they wanted to save America’s soul, they’d have said so. It’s pretty obvious they want to possess it.

  2. In a few short days the entire Communist Left in this country will become the true “outsiders” in D.C. Barry S. is a crummy commie. And idiot commie. In years and years to come we’ll wince every time his name is mentioned, as the lowest point in American history.

  3. a petulant man-child & a doddering old fool that thinks he still in jr. high

    & along w/ a bitter drunken sod & a wrinkled old hag trying to keep her face as young-looking as when she was a debutant giving head to JFK … this is what passes for the leadership in today’s D’rat Party

  4. Barry, whining and crying on the stump just reveals how childish and narcissistic you really are. Just take all your ill-gotten gains and go slither under a rock and let real Americans reclaim and re-make America Great Again.

  5. I am with Iron Man.
    Jemmah Caater, President from Georgia, never be another for 100 years.
    Bury O’Baja, first half black, gay, foreign born president, never be another.
    We gave you your experiment, how’d that turn out, America, learn your lesson yet?


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