Man’s Approved Pro-Trump Billboard Abruptly Taken Down; But Then… – IOTW Report

Man’s Approved Pro-Trump Billboard Abruptly Taken Down; But Then…

Red State: Nashua, New Hampshire, resident Dave Streit is a “yuuge” fan of President Donald Trump. So “yuuge” that Streit paid $2,600 to a sign company to erect a “Trump Country” billboard in downtown Nashua, which was supposed to remain from Oct. 6 through Election Day.

But, as reported by the New Hampshire Union Leader, Streit was notified last Monday that the “Trump Country” message on the billboard would be removed within the next couple of business days due to complaints. By the following morning, the sign was gone. more here

9 Comments on Man’s Approved Pro-Trump Billboard Abruptly Taken Down; But Then…

  1. Trashua is truly the armpit of NH, chock full of transplanted liberals from Mass and points south. These are the same people to keep passing gun control bills, helmet laws, and keep shooting down voter ID laws. We should just give the cesspool back to Mass.

  2. I took the kids for a Sunday drive today, we got caught in a SB Trump parade on Interstate 5 that was miles long, we were with them from Fort Lewis to Lacey and then fifteen minutes later ran into another one headed NB from Centralia that must have been ten or twelve miles long.

  3. The left is coming for your rights.
    Not only is your opinion as a free American not appreciated, it will not be tolerated.

    These people should be wearing armbands with insignias.

  4. Trump flag and sign stolen off my property two nights ago. The flag was on my deck, and the sign was 8 feet up a Monkey Puzzle tree. Good thing I didn’t catch them. The bay is only 50 feet away.

  5. JD we have many friends in that Trump MAGA Drag.
    We could not make it,they had 1000 cars in the lot at Dupont and a 5 mile back up to get in before they left.
    Lets see if the local news covers it.
    All is not lost in this state, if all President Trump supporters vote he has a chance to flip the state.
    Don’t discount the cold anger that many have for what is going on in the whole country. Many have no love for Biden and will not vote for him.


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