UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Announces Month-Long Lockdown – IOTW Report

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Announces Month-Long Lockdown

Federalist: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that England would undergo a second nationwide lockdown through the start of December, ahead of the winter holidays.

“Now is the time to take action because there is no alternative,” Johnson said as the United Kingdom surpassed 1 million cases this weekend. “Unless we act, we could see deaths in this country running several thousand a day. … Christmas is going to be different this year, perhaps very different, but it’s my sincere hope and belief that by taking tough action now, we can allow families across the country to be together.” more

14 Comments on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Announces Month-Long Lockdown

  1. The Brits got no say so in their lives and how they live them. They’re subjects, not free men and citizens.

    Except for the Muslims, especially the migrated ones.

    They have all kinds of control over how they live since they demand it, and the way they do commands respect from the authorities there.

  2. Boris thinks he’s handling things like Churchill would, but he’s actually mishandling things worse than Teresa May would have. He’s completely lost the plot. He’s going to lose a vote of no confidence before this gets settled.

  3. …I don’t know how it is in the UK, but one way they get the medical profession, aka people who KNOW better,on board with this nonsense is by threatening to decertify anyone who disagrees. Every part of medicine, from the guy who took a CPR class once to the neonatal foetal cardiac surgeon,is licensed by a state entity, a national entity, or both…and that license can be pulled at the whim of the State at any time, both breaking your ability to practice AND discrediting you to the person who gets 5 seconds about you on CNN as “that guy who lost his license for lying about COVID”.

    Doctors have a LOT invested in their practice, and guarding the food bowl for someone who’s gonna rank pretty high in the new Communist order anyway most likely takes precedence over any boring old political stuff.

    Plus, as long as a doctor goes to Communist universities anyway,he’s probably pretty well indoctrinated and doesn’t really MIND helping The Party suppress the proles to begin with.

    From where I stand, most docs don’t seem to have much of a sense of duty any more, nor any particular interest in upholding any oath. Docs don’t mind helping oppress their fellow citizens in the name of leftist politics any more than they mind persuading a boy to cut off his penis in the name of leftist politics or aborting a baby on the down low that a victim of incestuous pedophilia is carrying in the name of leftist politics.

    The Democrats in our country have poisoned just about every profession at this point that they think can help them rule, and medicine has proven no exception.

    What better way to cow a population than put them in fear of an invisible, omnipresent enemy?

    You don’t even need Jews to do THAT.

    Although you can, like Democrats, claim they are carriers and must be eliminated, once you’ve solidified your power enough.

    Not sure about it because I do not live in England, but I would imagine that doctors working in the framework of a National Health System are even MORE controlled. Add in doctors from the old Raj countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Muslim parts of India, and I’m almost CERTAIN that the doctors of England won’t try to stop the tyrant train any time soon either…

  4. “The Brits got no say so in their lives and how they live them. They’re subjects, not free men and citizens.” -Anonymous

    In some States in the U.S., the same is true.

    For the next four years, it’s how to fight your State’s totalitarian edicts. With Trump in the White House, it’s all the Leftists have.

  5. How bad is a home brew cloth mask after being worn for several days as far as covid-19 virus trapped within it??? What happens if I touch it taking it off and on??? Lets get real.

  6. Welcome to socialized medicine where.., if you’re not well connected you will have to wait. And wait. and then die.
    I have a solution for BJ, quit Letting the goat humpers into your country. Good God Man, grow a pair like Michelle’s

  7. Boris has always been a squishy conservative, “driven with the wind and tossed.” A person’s true convictions are revealed by what is chosen when faced with a no win situation. He’s still better than the Labor Party. A sad state of affairs, indeed.


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