“Here’s an idea, let’s bring back racial discrimination!” –California – IOTW Report

“Here’s an idea, let’s bring back racial discrimination!” –California

It worked out so well the last time.

Prop 16 was explicitly written to rescind Prop 209. A quick history lesson on Prop 209 from ABC 10 in California:

“In 1996 California voters passed Prop 209. Its language modeled from civil rights act, it put these words into our state constitution:

‘The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin…'”

Prop 209, had “language modeled from civil rights act.”

That is what the citizens of California are being asked to rescind through Prop 16, civil rights language that protects people from being discriminated against by the government based on their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

Out: Make America Great Again.

In: Make America Discriminatory Again. more

11 Comments on “Here’s an idea, let’s bring back racial discrimination!” –California

  1. …not really new. We’ve had Government mandated race-based discrimination since a Democrat President stated ‘Affirmative Action’ in 1961, and it’s been legal to discriminate against White people for being White ever since…

  2. A judge in Northern California, Yuba City, ruled Gavin’s gotta pump the brakes on all his outrageous unconstitutional shit. It was an abuse of power lawsuit filed by two NorCal state repubs. you can find the story eastcountytoday.net

  3. State mandated discrimination (quotas) is just a sample of the insanity. Other ballot measures; eliminating bail for violent offenders, dropping the voting age to 17, raising taxes on successful businesses, establishing state sponsored rent control boards who alone decide when landlords can raise rents on their own properties, allowing violent felons the right to vote even before they complete their sentence, it never ends in the Peoples Republic of California.

    And as usual, whatever I vote against will pass and vice versa, I am a lone voice in the land of the heathen.

  4. Rich Taylor

    Voted today at a “Voting Center”. They’re no longer polling places. All Ballot measures except 22, vote no on. Actually voted and slipped my ballot in a ballot box. Seem like old times

  5. @Brad

    “All Ballot measures except 22, vote no on.”

    Ditto, There was even a city ballot measure to allow more cannabis stores in my little town. A gun store, a strip club, sure, but another cannabis store? I expect to see an opium den proposal on the next ballot.

  6. Early voted in person over a week ago… Still no symptoms.

    Voted straight R… Since I live in one of the little blue metro areas of Texas, I had to vote against several stupid bond measures. The usual “$20m to buy drapes for the mayor’s office” kind of stuff that appear in every election. But what really made me mad… There were DOZENS of judges up for confirmation. All Demonrats, unopposed… We have to fill these seats or Texas will become the next California!


  7. I hate it when I post before finishing my thoughts… More coffee…

    Anyhow, I’m actually having trouble seeing this one pass. The Asian community is dead set against it. They’re getting the choice college slots, and resent being labeled “white affiliated”. There are lots of 4th and 5th generation asians in California that dealt with quite a lot of discrimination over the decades, and see this for what it is… An excuse to pander, and discriminate against people that are likely to be successful.



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