Trump Campaign Communications Director Zeroes In on Why Fox News’ Polling Has Been ‘Notoriously Bad’ – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Communications Director Zeroes In on Why Fox News’ Polling Has Been ‘Notoriously Bad’

TownHall: Someone is going to be eating a lot of crow regarding the polls. Of course, you know I think they’re off—way off. You know the drill by now. College-educated voters, Democrats, and Trump-hating suburban Republicans are all being oversampled. The Trump vote, as always, is being undercounted. Registered voter polls are still being used. It’s a mess. If Biden was up by the amount the fake news press has been peddling for the past month, Biden could just sit in a basement. We know the usual suspects when it comes to polling, and now Fox News is no exception. 


Well, as it so happens, the polling division is petty much run by Democrats. Trump communications director Tim Murtagh took no prisoners in delivering his thoughts about the network’s polling operation during an interview with host Harris Faulkner. more here

19 Comments on Trump Campaign Communications Director Zeroes In on Why Fox News’ Polling Has Been ‘Notoriously Bad’

  1. I have to admit that the two or three pollsters that I answered and participated with over the last year, I stated that I was an 18-24, woman, voting for biden…… Don’t ask me why. Perhaps I am a “shy” Trump supporter.

  2. We’ll know how accurate the polls have been, one way or the other, in short order.

    And the excuses and explanations will be coming from either the pollsters if they turn out wrong or from those claiming they were wrong after they turn out right.

    I don’t know which it will be, but it should be interesting reading or listening as the case may be.

  3. My my my, that was very satisfying to watch. Despite his introductory compliment to her, Faulkner looked rather uncomfortable listening to his message – just like she did when Newt talked about the Soros bought DA’s.

  4. I’ve taken the Reagan approach for all news outlets (trust, but verify) even with my go to site like Breitbart and Daily wire, it’s just too common to apply one’s own personal spin on events, spin that is misguided or unwarranted.

    My level of angst today is off the charts, for obvious reasons. I’m going to spend most of the day outdoors, mid to high 70’s where I live, away from the sturm and drang of the early prognostications.

  5. Do they really believe skewing poll numbers is going to go any better this time than it did with Hitlery?
    MSM is going to report a Peepads win right up to when he concedes.

  6. Fox still has a few good people with shows but I now find that I can’t listen to its radio news as the pro Biden bias
    has grown clearer as the election approached. Now, when I listen to talk radio I turn it of for the “news” and back on after.

  7. Fox still has a few good people with shows but I now find that I can’t listen to its radio news as the pro Biden bias
    has grown clearer as the election approached. Now, when I listen to talk radio I turn it off for the “news” and back on after.

  8. I am a retired business consultant. If somebody wants my opinion about something, I get paid for it. On the three occasions I’ve been contacted by one of these organizations who want their base data for nothing, I make sure to be as misleading as possible.

    It seems fair to me that their product should be worth what they paid for it.


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