Pelosi Blasts CNN Reporter for Asking When She’ll Leave Speakership – IOTW Report

Pelosi Blasts CNN Reporter for Asking When She’ll Leave Speakership


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) criticized a CNN reporter on Election Day when he asked about her promise to resign the speakership in 2022.

“With all due respect to you and the organization you represent, that’s the least important question you could ask today,” Pelosi told CNN’s Manu Raju Tuesday. “One of these days I’ll let you know what my plans are—when it is appropriate and it matters. It doesn’t matter right now.” more

7 Comments on Pelosi Blasts CNN Reporter for Asking When She’ll Leave Speakership

  1. …as depressing as it is, she’s right for once.

    This hardly matters.

    The Harris Administration signals the start of one-party rule in the United States, and the House and Senate will no more matter to her than the Reichstag mattered to Hitler or the Supreme Soviet mattered to Stalin.

    …and, after Hillary Clinton is appointed Vice President by President Harris, who then steps aside for “Health” reasons, I don’t think Pelosi’s rubber stamp will even be sought after any more as Hillary moves to rule by emergency order, passing the entirety of Congress into utter irrelevancy…

  2. CC NOVEMBER 4, 2020 AT 11:45 AM
    “I would think until Satan calls her Home…”

    ..or joins her…seems like he’s making himself riiiight at home right here in the good ol’ US of A…


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