Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler re-elected, beating Antifa-aligned rival Sarah Iannarone – IOTW Report

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler re-elected, beating Antifa-aligned rival Sarah Iannarone

NYPost: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler overcame attacks on his handling of ongoing riots in the troubled Oregon city to win a second term — beating an even farther-left rival who aligned herself with Antifa.

The 58-year-old career Democrat had appeared politically vulnerable because of the anti-police protests that have plagued his city.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants regularly descended on his home to demand his ouster — while police officials also attacked him, and President Trump derided his lack of control of the “anarchist” city.

But Wheeler claimed victory late Tuesday, narrowly beating the challenge from Sarah Iannarone, who declared “I am Antifa” while aligning herself with protesters and radical calls to defund the police.

“I want to thank the voters of Portland for the opportunity to continue serving as your mayor,” he told KGW just before midnight Tuesday. more here

8 Comments on Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler re-elected, beating Antifa-aligned rival Sarah Iannarone

  1. Now that Oregon has legalized possession of hard narcotics, weak-ass Ted Wheeler will have even more challenges to contend with. Look for a rise in drug addicts heading to Oregon along with an increasing crime rate to support the now legal drug habit and a growing homeless population as more people ruin their lives with hard-drug habits.

    Yay. Go Oregon!

  2. Some choice do you want the socialist that let your city be destroyed since May (and before) or the antifa supporter / member that probably was out destroying the city this summer.

  3. Wheeler is in serious trouble.
    He’s going to die or be seriously injured. Elections don’t matter in Portland because the attitude is the same with the left. Ignore problems and get hurt by them.

  4. Unintended consequences, or not?
    Honestly I don’t even know what to say. Along with the legalization of hard drugs comes violent criminals. Mainly they just aren’t thinking right in the head, because being high does that to them.
    So just where are these new drug addicts supposed to get their drug money?
    They just don’t care who they hurt.
    Another bad part is I have to work downtown sometimes.
    Maybe just give them all the drugs they want. Build some really tall walls around them, give some rice and beans and water either get clean or get dead.
    There has to be another way?

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