AZ Governor Doug Ducey says they’re not done counting – IOTW Report

AZ Governor Doug Ducey says they’re not done counting

Also- Sharpie pens causing Trump Arizona ballots to be invalidated

Arizona voters have said that tons of voters were encouraged by the pollsters to use Sharpies. Which is a huge no no.

Twitter keeps ‘fact checking’ R leaning tweets.

21 Comments on AZ Governor Doug Ducey says they’re not done counting

  1. Hey, it’s a lot of aggravation, but if this exposes vote fraud and forces the states to rewrite their election laws, then so be it.
    This is just another part of the shit bobbing swamp Trump has exposed to the public.

  2. I saw AZ giving Drool Cup Joe a landslide victory and Mark Kommie Gulagging Martha Mac and even sending a 7-2 Demoncrat delegation and I believed it!!

    I was thinking, “I dont recognize the State I was born in!” I fell for FOX’s trick like a German transatlantic zepellin!!

  3. The problem with sharpies is the machine does not read the mark as there is bleed through (Causing an error) or the the machine will skip over it, not counting the section. That’s why they want inky ball point black pens used.

  4. The poll workers set up the booths and put the pens on the shelf.
    Like MJA said, this is annoying but when Trump wins he and the Senate will make sure this stuff is done away with.

  5. Phoenix is turning into another californicated urban shit hole from all the liberal scum escaping the shit hole they created then fled!

    I moved to Arizona to get away from the commies on the left coast, but the bastards followed me!

    At least my good friend Quang Nguyen (a super conservative) won his bid for the Arizona State House!

  6. One of the news stations here in Phoenix was interviewing an “erection official” in the last couple weeks and he said that a Sharpie was fine. You can use a pen or a Sharpie to fill out your ballot.

  7. Isn’t it weird that because of corona, they don’t make you use your own pen and take it home with you? Also, do you know how much Sharpies cost compared to regular black or blue Bic or papermate pens? Sharpies ain’t cheap, yet I always hear there’s no money to run polling stations.

  8. I mistakenly used a sharpie for my absentee ballot. I was an election judge and should have known better. It bled through and I knew it wouldn’t be read properly by the tabulator. I got a replacement ballot and was told to destroy the original. I didn’t need to surrender the ballot because it was useless. Learned a lot from this election. Too many older folks registering and voting for the first time. Don’t think they were voting for the Joementia/Kameltoe ticket.

  9. :walks in door: “Hey people, what’s shakin’?…..”
    :reads thread: “…..muther f…..”
    :heads back out door: “think I left a quarter at the lake….see you guys later.”


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