Bozell Calls for Investigation Into Media’s Election Tampering – IOTW Report

Bozell Calls for Investigation Into Media’s Election Tampering

MRC President Brent Bozell on Wednesday released a statement about the “wildly wrong” polling, calling it “deliberate.” 

Here’s Bozell’s full statement: 

“While votes are still being counted and the outcome of the election is undetermined, there is one thing we can say with certainty: once again, the polls weren’t just wildly wrong, they were deliberately wildly wrong.

 This was no mistake. These were the same pollsters who predicted the same thing four years ago, day after day after day: there was no way Donald Trump could win. It was clear then that they were attempting to suppress the vote. The pollsters denied it, of course.


4 Comments on Bozell Calls for Investigation Into Media’s Election Tampering

  1. I’d support investigations into a lot of nefarious activities by the left.

    If all investigations had not become only just a look-into & spend a lot of money for nothing activity.

  2. It is a big fat, in your face, FUCK YOU. The Republican establishment is an instrumental part of it. The FBI is demonstrably complicit. Barr is not interested in pursuing any illegality. Just exactly who would he suggest is going to do a Goddamn thing about any of this?


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