Maddow: There’s No Blue Wave…Not Even a Blue Ripple – IOTW Report

Maddow: There’s No Blue Wave…Not Even a Blue Ripple

Townhall: House Democrats didn’t have much to celebrate Tuesday night. They expected a blue wave across the country. But as the votes came in, those hopes didn’t materialize. They crashed and burned.

“House Democrats fall way short in disappointing night,” a headline from The Hill read on Wednesday morning.

Under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, House Democrats hoped to pick up five to 15 Republican seats on Tuesday night. Destiny wouldn’t have it.

A brief summary of the evening’s events:

“While Democrats will retain their majority, a handful of their front-line members — incumbents facing the toughest races — had been defeated. And after boasting about how they’d expanded the map and were playing “deep into Trump country,” they’d failed to pick off even a single House Republican running for reelection. Democrats did manage to pick up a pair of GOP-held open seats in North Carolina, where redistricting had made the districts much bluer, and a third in Georgia after the retirement of vulnerable GOP Rep. Rob Woodall.” 

It was, The Hill concluded, a “devastating night” for the party. And MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow grieved along with them. read more

13 Comments on Maddow: There’s No Blue Wave…Not Even a Blue Ripple

  1. Attention ALL IOTWr’s…!

    You think you felt lousy, nervous and or beside yourself today?

    Feel WELL knowing that they KNOW they fell way short of the mark:

    No Senate major.
    House seats GAINED.

    Trump is a fighter?


    I received a lament ‘blue wave’ e-mail from a family member, they are sulking! And sucking btw…

    What made these MORONS think it was going to be a blue wave to begin with??

    I was reading a lot about the RED wave, as well, but I just could NOT buy into it…maybe I watched too many BLM riot and protest videos?

    Their hate may have won out we will see…

  2. One thing’s for sure, Ghost. When you subtract the added phony votes and all the illegal votes, there really is a RED WAVE. And it’s growing!

    I stand by our President and will defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  3. democrats played the only card they had, no choice. They’re planning this for years but didnt plan on ACB being nominated. No other cards in the deck, this was all they had. It is so fraudulent even Helen Keller can see it.

    Are we the only 1st world country on this planet with a 3rd world election system?

  4. ^ Yes, Charlie. Furthermore, we have a major political party with the root of the word “Democracy” in their name that doesn’t believe in it.

    That would be damnable enough were it not for their criminal and treasonous acts against their own country.

    Democrats: morally, ethically and legally bankrupt to the core. I’ve watched this evolve for about 60 of my 69 years. And I have to admit, I knew they would get bad someday – but not THIS bad.

  5. after this i hope the gov fixes this stupid election system. Its so blatantly wrong, such an in your face steal “whacchagonnadoaboutit” attitude. This needs to change now and The Donalds the guy to do it. Just another thing on this agenda next year.

  6. The only reason this was somewhat close was because people voted for slow Joe Biden knowing what he is, a crooked corrupt pervert (short list), and the party he road in on. They don’t like him either but didn’t care. They said he’s just not Trump.
    There will be more tears when he beats the tar out of them in the high court.

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