Tucker Carlson: If Democrats Had Won The Senate, ‘The Country As We Know It Would Have Ended’ – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: If Democrats Had Won The Senate, ‘The Country As We Know It Would Have Ended’

Daily Caller:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened Wednesday night’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” by pointing out the significance of Republicans likely keeping the Senate majority.

As of Wednesday, Democrats had flipped GOP Senate seats in Colorado and Arizona and lost one in Alabama, for a net gain of only one seat. Republican Maine Sen. Susan Collins pulled through in what many thought would be a close race, as did Republican Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, while Republican North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis appears likely to narrowly hold his seat as well.

Carlson pointed to proposals like court-packing, abolishing the filibuster, legalizing illegal immigrants, and adding states as methods the left would have used, with a Senate majority, to obtain “total control over everything.” WATCH

15 Comments on Tucker Carlson: If Democrats Had Won The Senate, ‘The Country As We Know It Would Have Ended’

  1. …the Senate is no more aconcwrn of a Harris Administration than the Supreme Soviet was a brake on Stalin. Whoever she’s working for will simply have her rule by decree with the media to back her up and call everybody racist who complains, the police and military will do what their told as they have all along, and the Senate will be an irrelevant debate society that will always side with her anyway thanks to the RINOs and Never Trumper turncoats posing as “Republican”, but can be relied upon to stand against us when called upon to do so by whoever is behind president Harris.

    Never forget too that Mitch McC HIMSELF was ready to finish President Trump off at impeachment also, and said as much, even AFTER being waylaid with his wife by angry brownshirts. HE’S part of the theater, TOO.

    …whatever else the Senate becomes, under the Harris Administration it will NOT be a bulwark against tyranny…

  2. I see John James got fucked.

    There needs to be standardization of voting procedures in Federal elections. The states can run their shitshows any way they want for local offices.

    Eliminate mail in voting, require a picture ID at a polling place on election day. No more same day registration when voting for federal offices. Strict and accountable absentee ballot voting.

    If a small town in rural AR can manage to do it, it just can not be that hard. We had voting machines that printed out your choices on your ballot that you could check and that was handed to you after your ID and signature were checked on the voter rolls. Your ballot was then placed in a locked ballot box under watchful eyes.

    Like Rudy said yesterday, these large urban shitholes are dem run & corrupt.

    Otherwise this crap will only get worse(if possible) We have the SC, lets use it.

  3. The image of Charlton Heston finding the top third of the Statue of Liberty rising out of the sand on the beach, in the movie, The Planet of the Apes, keeps coming to mind in reaction to the election reports since Tue.

    Lady Liberty was destroyed. But she was 2/3s buried. C.H. had a bad reaction to it, too.

  4. Ignore the media numbers. FOX included. Disgusting.

    Example: Nevada just found 10,000 illegal votes and they are still counting the giant red counties.

    People, the left aren’t going to get the white house unless we give it to them.

  5. Just heard that John Solomon (he’s good) and his investigative journalists are in the swing states looking at the vote counts. They found more votes than voters in urban counties and
    shifty stuff.

  6. “Ignore the media numbers. FOX included.”

    This is the Color Revolution playbook. It’s freaking amazing. The United States is now a banana republic.
    Remember the Libtard media and politicians worrying about “what if Trump loses the election, but won’t leave?” That was step one. They will use that to inflame their street soldiers.
    FOX news is the worst of them all. Someone made a deal with them. We haven’t watched FOX News since Tuesday Nights display of unhinged bull shit. Newmax is a great alternative.
    This entire operation feels like it’s being run by the CIA. Their down fall, the people actually counting the ballots are pretty damn careless.
    We cannot let this happen.

  7. Actually, the country as we know it will have ended if Trump doesn’t win the legal battle to expose the fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. The only thing that kept the Senate in line was McConnell’s federal judge replacement. If Trump is no longer in the Executive branch, the Senate will be completely converged by the RINO’s. To be honest, the country as created was destroyed in 1860 and it has continued down the slippery slope incrementally, step by step. More damage was inflicted during Woodrow Wilson’s term, FDR did further damage, the fascist metamorphosis during and after WWII consolidated the changes, and then the assassination of Kennedy, LBJ, the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 put everything in place for the resulting coup.

  8. My bet is the Never Trumper RINOs are adding their resources to the democrats to run this coup (attempt). Some of them are already talking about rebuilding the GOP. To their their old weak system.

    How important is it – to fund Trump vote challenges. The first step lawyerly Battle of Athens, Tenn 2.0. Open up the vote recount to observers, or else. Counting votes from illegal ballots is cancelling out legal votes. After all, the DOJ and other AGs are doing nothing to discover, expose, and stop the vote fraud.

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