Trump Challenges Joe Biden to Add One Word to His ‘Vote-Counting’ Rhetoric – IOTW Report

Trump Challenges Joe Biden to Add One Word to His ‘Vote-Counting’ Rhetoric

PJM: On Thursday, President Donald Trump spoke from the White House, celebrating historic minority turnout for a Republican nominee and condemning what he characterized as leftist and Democratic attempts to steal the election, including suppression polls and preventing Trump campaign observers from monitoring the ballot-counting process.

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” the president declared. “I’ve already decisively won many critical states,” he added, noting Florida among other states.

Trump warned that “big media, big money, and Big Tech” tried to tilt the election against him.

“The pollsters got it knowingly wrong,” he said. “There was no blue wave that they predicted. That was done for suppression reasons, but instead, there was a big red wave.”

Trump noted that Republicans are likely to hold on to the U.S. Senate, that big spending in key Senate races failed to flip seats to the Democrats, and that Republicans actually gained seats in the House of Representatives.

Trump dubbed the GOP “the party of inclusion,” noting that a record number of Republican women won elections to Congress. “I won the largest share of non-white voters of any Republican in sixty years. We grew our party by 4 million voters, the greatest turnout in Republican Party history.”

He condemned Democrats as “the party of the big donors, the big media, and Big Tech,” while celebrating Republicans as “the party of the American worker.”

Trump also attacked the legacy media polls that showed Democratic nominee Joe Biden winning by large margins. “These fake polls were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden,” he claimed. “It’s never been used to the extent that it’s been used on this election.” read more

5 Comments on Trump Challenges Joe Biden to Add One Word to His ‘Vote-Counting’ Rhetoric

  1. Here’s how The NYT “reported” the remarks of the President, “In his remarks tonight from the White House, Mr. Trump lied about the vote count, smeared his opponents and attempted to undermine the integrity of our electoral system.”

    The same NYT that said after Hunter’s laptop was forensically proven to to be legitimate that there was no evidence of corruption.

    Also the same NYT that didn’t even bother to refute Bobulinski, they pretty just ignored the first hand account of a Naval intelligence officer’s interactions with the corrupt “plausible deniability” Bidens. And that despite the mountain of corroborating evidence he also brought forth.

    1/2 of this country is out of their fucking minds. They lie right to our faces. They are wiling to cancel the legitimate votes of almost 70 million Americans with obvious fraud. I can’t imagine any outcome that doesn’t include a river of blood.

    We need to be rid of them. How that’s gonna shake out, I have no idea but the fact is we and them simply can not exist in the same country.

  2. U.S. elections have been rigged for a long time, many years. What makes this corrupt election different is this time THE STAKES ARE HIGHER. The problem has reached a tipping point that if not corrected will END THIS REPUBLIC of the U.S. End the republic and life will become a nightmare for EVERY PERSON. The U.S. will go communist and Trump will go to jail like former presidents in many SHITHOLIAS end up in jail after the coups.

    This isn’t only Trumps’s problem. It’s your problem. It will effect your children’s future. If your elected Republican and Democrat legislators are not publicly calling for legal vote counts RIGHT NOW, THIS MORNING, those legislators are not supporting the United States as founded. Why are they not? Secret adjendas? Under threat of blackmail?

    No elected person can hide. You will know them by what they do or don’t do in the next few days. This is not a drill. WTF??


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