House Dems trash Pelosi in conference call leaked to Twitter – IOTW Report

House Dems trash Pelosi in conference call leaked to Twitter

DM UK: House Democrats savaged Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a family venting session that featured yelling and crying lawmakers in the wake of the party’s losses on Thursday.

And the drama on the three-hour conference call played out live on Twitter, as details were leaked to the Capitol Hill press corps, who tweeted all the wild details.   

Rep. Abigail Spanberger, a Democrat from Virginia who narrowly won a second term on Tuesday night, yelled out her frustration, accusing party leaders of bowing to demand from the liberals, like members of ‘The Squad.’

Democrats kept control of the House in this year’s election but their majority shrank and it was moderate members of the party who lost. The final results aren’t in but Democrats could loss up to 10 seats. 

‘We need to be pretty clear,’ Spanberger said of election night results. ‘It was a failure. It was not a success. We lost incredible members of Congress.’ 

‘No one should say ‘defund the police’ ever again,’ Spanberger said, referring to one of liberals’ demands, Politico reported. ‘Nobody should be talking about socialism.’

Spanberger, continued to unload on Democratic leaders, warning if the party kept up these tactics in 2022 election: ‘We will get f****** torn apart.’ 

more here

h/t spoogels.

15 Comments on House Dems trash Pelosi in conference call leaked to Twitter

  1. Sorry, but the only “trashing” I want to see of Pelosi involves tar and feathers.
    I may settle for quartering, but that would be hard on the horses. Maybe we could encourage the squad to do it?

  2. …I do not care who leads the forces of darkness. They have crossed the Rubicon, thus forcing the battle that ends in the utter destruction of one side or the other. It matters not if the devil wears his Baal mask or his Mammon mask, evil is evil is evil, and all of them are evil and must be treated as such.

    Have your petty fights, Dems. Shift your chairs, squabble over your scraps.

    You will have far worse to worry about before all is done, and win or lose, the days that you will have any relevancy to the forces of the devil you serve or the Lord you oppose are fast drawing to a close, as this fight will be concluded far above and beyond your ability to even fathom it, and either way, your master will betray YOU in the end as well when you no longer serve his purposes, its what he does, always has, and always will, and you will gain no reward for your loyalty to him other than to hear his laughter at your consternation as his demons sink their hooks into YOU as well in your ultimate end…

    Go to hell, dems. Literally. Its what you would make on Earth, and where you belong when you leave it. I can pray for nothing but your end and will serve the Lord to bring it about myself if that is where He leads me. I am not young but I can still bear a brand you may not soon forget, and by His power and in His will I could defeat you all if that is His plan.

    We shall see.

    I have read the back of the book, Dems.

    You Lose.

    Glory in your kingdom of sorrows for a season if you will. It will never be one of peace, and will end far sooner and worse that you think it will for you.

    I need not ask God to damn you, which is futile in any case as He damns no one. But even though I do not speak it and He would not do it, I need not worry that it will not happen.

    Because you have done that for yourselves.

    Go to hell dems.

    Its the home you have consigned yourselves to, may you suffer forever in bitterness there. None will mourn your passing for the Lord is just in all things, and you have brought His condemnation on yourselves in trying to copy your master’s kingdom in the circles of the world for your own petty temporal power.

    Go to hell.

    Soon and very soon.

  3. Poor Pelosi. She got what she deserved, but not what she wanted. Kind of odd that most of her fellow Dementiacrats got re-elected without mentioning her greatest accomplishment, President Trump’s Impeachment. Now she most likely gets to deal with a President who is completely incompetent and Vice President who is completely unqualified to hold office.

  4. @Agatha Kakalogical:

    Sorry, but the only “trashing” I want to see of Pelosi involves tar and feathers.
    I may settle for quartering, but that would be hard on the horses. Maybe we could encourage the squad to do it?

    The Prog squad should share in Rancid Nan’s fate. Diesel dually 1¾ ton pickups and grade 40 ¾” welded steel chain should work just fine.

  5. Pelosi and Waters both need to be investigated for voter fraud. I can’t imagine there are that many dumb asses to vote these 2 feckless c*nts into office continuously.
    Waters challenger was arrested.
    I’ve searched and can’t find the actual numbers for election.
    They have to be the champions of cheaters!!!!

  6. @ Uncle Al: My thoughts EXACTLY except that I would add a gravel road in country where there are many feral hogs – just for disposal of the “remains”.

  7. ‘We lost incredible members of Congress.’

    …that, at least, I agree with.


    As in they had no credibility.

    …hardly a loss, though, unless you mean your down by a partner in crime…

  8. Mrs. Confused, normally a very kind, sweet, understanding woman, has just told me that the staff of those we would drag should be dropped, naked, into woods full of poison ivy…


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