Wrong turn leads to postal carrier’s arrest; mail found in car included absentee ballots – IOTW Report

Wrong turn leads to postal carrier’s arrest; mail found in car included absentee ballots

Buffalo News: The postal carrier who had 800 pieces of undelivered mail in the trunk of his car got caught, in part, thanks to a wrong turn, according to federal authorities.

Brandon Wilson, 27, was arrested Tuesday night at the Peace Bridge after border agents found a bin containing mail destined for several ZIP codes and included three absentee ballots sent out by the Erie County Board of Elections, according to a criminal complaint filed in federal court.

Wilson, of Buffalo, who was stopped at the bridge shortly after 7:30 p.m., allegedly told Customs and Border Protection agents the mail belonged to him and his mother, but could not explain the mail addressed to other people, according to the complaint filed by a special agent for the Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General.

Wilson ended up at the bridge by accident. He had been traveling on the I-190 and got in the wrong lane, which brought him to the border crossing with Canada, federal authorities confirmed.

In addition to the absentee ballots, which had been sent to two addresses in Buffalo, the mail found in Wilson’s car consisted of 106 political mailings, 220 first-class mailings and 484 standard mailings.

The majority of the first-class mail was addressed to locations in the 14215 ZIP code, but other destination ZIP codes were 14227, 14211 and 14214.

Cancellation dates of the first-class mail showed seven dates between Sept. 16 and Oct. 26, according to the complaint. more here

8 Comments on Wrong turn leads to postal carrier’s arrest; mail found in car included absentee ballots

  1. It’s pretty much official now. History’s most powerful “exporter of democracy” can’t run a clean general election to save its fucking life. Because of the shameless hyping of “Russian collusion” by the press in 2016 and the mail-in ballot election fraud going on in plain site this year, half the electorate will be convinced they were screwed for another four years. The mere fact that we can’t count all votes withing 48 hours is a clear sign of what a pathetic shithole banana republic the US is now.

    Trump was preordained by the DC establishment (GOP included) to lose and that’s exactly what those cocksuckers just orchestrated.

  2. There is a show we watch in Canada called Border Security. I don’t know how many times we saw people in Buffalo who ended up at the border because they were following their GPS to find a Walmart and the closest Walmart was across the border. They didn’t pay attention to either the signs telling them they were going to the border or what city the Walmart was in when they looked it up on their GPS.

  3. MJA: It seems strange, doesn’t it. You would think that people would say “Hmm. I’m three miles south of the border and the nearest Walmart is four miles north.” But Nooo.

    But he was a Biden voter.


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