AOC Criticizes Claire McCaskill for Saying Democrats Alienated Voters – IOTW Report

AOC Criticizes Claire McCaskill for Saying Democrats Alienated Voters

The Left also freaked out because she said, “transsexuals”.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a far-left progressive, went after centrist former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on Thursday for saying Democrats alienated some voters by focusing too much on controversial issues instead of “meat and potatoes issues.”

The attack came as Democrats failed to generate the “blue wave” they were hoping for in the 2020 election. Democrats lost seats in the House and failed to seize a much-hoped-for majority in the Senate.

Many media outlets and political pundits asserted that Democrats’ appeals for socialism and defunding the police — championed by Ocasio-Cortez and her supporters — did not appeal to Americans.

McCaskill, now an MSNBC contributor, said waning support from Democrats “began around cultural issues.” She said:

Whether you’re talking guns or issues surrounding the right to abortion in this country or things like gay marriage and the rights for transsexuals and other people who we as a party have tried to “look after” and make sure that they’re treated fairly, as we circled those issues, we left some voters behind, and Republicans dove in with a vengeance and grabbed those voters. And you’ve seen this shift. You saw it in the South. I’ve seen it in some rural areas of my state.

McCaskill continued, “So we’ve got to get back to the meat and potatoes issues, we’ve got to get back to the issues where we are taking care of their families, and we also need to quit acting like we’re smarter than everybody else because we’re not.” read more

4 Comments on AOC Criticizes Claire McCaskill for Saying Democrats Alienated Voters

  1. McCaskill:

    …and we also need to quit acting like we’re smarter than everybody else because we’re not.

    Now, that wasn’t a very smart thing to say.

    It would be more accurate to say that the demprogs aren’t as smart as everybody else.

  2. Typical self-centered narcissistic myopia. She can’t see that it was her her ideology that was rejected, not the centrist ideology. She and her ilk have been too coddled and praised and blinded by a dangerously far left media, so that they are totally out of touch with the very people that McCaskill was referring to. And just like a little petulant child, AOC can’t handle the truth.

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