We have evidence “flooding in” of mail-in ballot tampering – IOTW Report

We have evidence “flooding in” of mail-in ballot tampering

Sebastian Gorka speaks to a British prog LBC.

8 Comments on We have evidence “flooding in” of mail-in ballot tampering

  1. I have been wondering about the watermark sting claim. I thought each state was responsible for how they run their elections, assuming the printing of ballots also.

    Does anyone know how plausible it is to have the feds takeover the printing, or that they have always fulfilled that duty?

  2. I watched a video on 79days.news a little while ago. They were talking about Trump having the military arrest those who he can prove committed treason and put them in Gitmo. (Then again, I don’t know if the military will support our President.) Heck, I don’t even know if that is a possibility but like everyone else here, I am hanging on to hope and prayer.

  3. IF Trump loses, he needs to fire EVERY single individual in the FBI. Take their security clearance away. Make Biden’s team suffer a little. Then he needs to Clog all the toilets, sinks with his dirty underwear! Lol

  4. I’m tired of hearing the talking heads saying they have seen no evidence of massive vote fraud.

    There are many clues. There is no need to see video recording of it being done, or of the planning of how to do it, to know vote fraud is happening.

    Makes me think back to my time in the Navy. They didn’t have to see a submarine from the air to know one was there. If it just passed it leaves behind clues: Heated sea water thermal signatures, disturbed water, sound – each boat has it’s own sound signature (kind of an acoustic DNA, if you have a copy, you know which boat it was), their distortion of the earth’s magnetic field can be detected, and several other methods. To ignore those clues, and say there was no sub present because you did not see it, is a dangerous act.

    There are so many suspicious, nonsense, unusual voting activities going on – one needs to be willfully ignorant to not see solid clues of vote fraud from many locations. And it’s being done on a much larger scale than ever before, making it even more obvious.


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