Fight! AOC and Tlaib Fire Back at Dem Colleagues Questioning House Losses – IOTW Report

Fight! AOC and Tlaib Fire Back at Dem Colleagues Questioning House Losses

Red State: The infighting within the House of Representatives has already begun, but it’s not among Republicans. The latter saw an unpredicted red wave flow in their direction, picking up what looks to be 10+ seats and nearly taking over. While the GOP is positioned to retake the whole chamber in 2022, Democrats are offering recriminations of who is at fault for Pelosi’s strategy crashing and burning.


9 Comments on Fight! AOC and Tlaib Fire Back at Dem Colleagues Questioning House Losses

  1. Networks, including what we can now call Faux News, have called the race for Biden.
    Interesting not one of them finds it unusual that over a million “found” ballots all went for one candidate.
    Thankfully, networks don’t get to decide.

  2. “Networks, including what we can now call Faux News, have called the race for Biden.”

    Once it has been called, the Left is not going to let it be uncalled.

    They will become highly violent and destructive if anyone tries, and deadly violent if anyone succeeds.

    Know you enemy and know yourself if you want to win, most of those on the right don’t know either which is why we are now in the mess we are in.


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