Blagojevich: “I know how they operate” – IOTW Report

Blagojevich: “I know how they operate”

16 Comments on Blagojevich: “I know how they operate”

  1. And as usual, where is law enforcement? The democrats are still locked up in that vote counting center in PA counting votes in absolute secrecy totally against the law. But the law doesn’t apply to democrats.

  2. After 2016 we all knew that the dems would not be caught flat footed again. They went right to work to insure that whoever Trump ran against would carry the day. Trump has been warning us for years that what we’re seeing would happen. I could say that trying to use the courts to play nice was an error but I won’t.

    I know one thing, Eric Holder would be on the warpath if the situation was reversed.

    OK, we’re here. Sessions and than Barr have proven to be fucking worthless and BTW just where the fuck is Barr? Have not seen anything form him all week as this brazen fraud was taking place.

    And when you get right down to it, where the fuck are any Republicans? McConnell said he could work with Biden to nominate “moderate” judges? That’s the kind of shit that got us here.

    The Gov of FL and that’s about it. If you want to have some fun, google Repubs sticking with the President. You’ll get pages of links referring you to stories about how disgusted “Republican Leaders” are with the President but no links to allies. gee

    As long as he’s the President, he should take whatever measures he sees fit to secure any evidence of voter fraud. He will never get REgressives on his side, why play nice? For starters, send in Federal agents that are trustworthy to a dozen of these urban shitholes and start arresting people that have defied state law and court orders.

  3. No shit MJA!! Pissed is right and drinking heavily no doubt while that demented Jackass Joe, his crack-head, degenerate, moron of a kid and his entire crooked-ass family are going to walk away with everything while she had to retreat into the shadows!


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