Idaho man gets 2 year ban from Yellowstone for trying to cook chicken in hot spring – IOTW Report

Idaho man gets 2 year ban from Yellowstone for trying to cook chicken in hot spring

KIRO7: MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, Wy. — An Idaho man was banned from Yellowstone National Park for two years after trying to cook chicken in a hot spring.

Rangers received reports Aug. 7 that a group of 10 people were hiking near the Shoshone Geyser Basin, a thermal area which is off limits to hikers, East Idaho News reported.

When rangers reached the area, they found two whole chickens in a burlap sack in a hot spring and a cooking pot close by.

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15 Comments on Idaho man gets 2 year ban from Yellowstone for trying to cook chicken in hot spring

  1. That’s even dumber than the idiot some guys at my church kinda sorta adopted trying to save his life back in the mid 70’s who they caught cooking a hot dog with a metal coat hanger and placing it into an electrical socket. He was gone real fast and no one ever knew what happened to him or cared about him after that. God may protect fools but sometimes not complete total idiots.

  2. These are the kind of news stories we need today.

    Nick Di Paolo has some really funny episodes on YouTube about the election fiasco, he’s not for the faint of heart. I’ll be watching more episodes later.

  3. I was in Iceland 20 years ago. We took a tour to the hot springs. There were no barriers like at yellowstone. You can walk right up to them. The guy I was with stepped up to the edge of a boiling pool and reached his hand toward the boiling water. I grabbed him and jerked him back. I yelled at him – “What are you doing! Thats boiling water!” He said he didn’t realize and thought it was just gases escaping that was causing the bubbles. And that guy was a fellow engineer…I thought we were all smarter than that.

  4. Death in Yellowstone is a book on how people die in the park. The Bison kill many people (they can stomp you real good) the bears not so much I think about 5 to 7 over the life of the park. The hot springs are nothing to mess with.
    If you get in over your waist you are dead you just don’t know it at the time.
    One guy jumped into the Grand Prism Geyser to save his dog it is a sad story. Your flesh falls off and so on.
    And then there is Over the Edge all of the deaths in the Grand Canyon. Both books are great reads.

  5. Well hey. At least this story is a fun distraction from the Biden nightmare drama today.

    Maybe they got busted more for doing it wrong, than for just dong it.

    “All manner of weird things happen in hot springs, and they’re home to sometimes-fatal bacteria like Naegleria fowleri. Your food is safe inside the sealed plastic bag, but make sure you practice good cooking hygiene. Also, hand sanitizer is a very good idea.”

    Beef .

    Or chicken n eggs .

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