Portland Man Charged With Supporting ISIS – IOTW Report

Portland Man Charged With Supporting ISIS


The Justice Department on Friday announced charges against a Portland man who allegedly produced propaganda literature for ISIS terrorists. 

Hawazen Sameer Mothafar was indicted in a federal court in Portland on three counts of providing material support to ISIS and two counts of making false claims during his immigration application process, according to a Justice Department statement

For more than five years, Mothafar allegedly created and shared ISIS propaganda, recruiting materials, and guides on how to commit various acts of terror. He encouraged ISIS-affiliated terrorists abroad to commit terrorism in their home countries and wrote instructive manuals on “effective” stabbing techniques and detonating bombs. According to the indictment, Mothafar was regularly in contact with ISIS leaders abroad and opened social media accounts on their behalf.  read more

5 Comments on Portland Man Charged With Supporting ISIS

  1. “…wrote instructive manuals on “effective” stabbing techniques…”

    …leave it to a Muzz to think a stab is more effective than a slash, they can’t even get KILLING right, and that’s what they do BEST…

  2. The dude stood out to LE because he was the least violent person in the crowd.

    Similar to a story I read years ago about the horrible conditions of the pothole filled roads in one of the African countries.

    The drunk drivers we easy to spot, and arrest for DUI. They were the ones driving straight.

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